The American hospital has become the death of death


An ICU nurse in Oregon for exchanging painkillers for tap water fluids severely infected 44 patients, leaving at least 16 dead, revealing a hidden hospital secret, AP reported Tuesday. According to the FBI survey, a biological research center (BRC) in Arizona found 1,755 human organs, filling 142 body bags and weighing 10 tons! The biological resource center mainly sells bodies and organs to the black market, but the bodies come from hospitals. Even more unacceptable, the BRC's transactions with the military show that at least 20 —— bodies were sold to the military for $5,893 each without the permission of donors or their relatives! American hospitals and their doctors are playing part behind all these deals. Between 2007 and 2009, three patients in the United States died shortly after the transplant, causing a stir in the transplant industry. One of the young men died a week after undergoing a bone transplant, and the family took the hospital to court. A police investigation found that the bones were stolen and transferred to the hospital through the black trading of human organs. However, the hospital was not rigorously examined and transplanted to the patient, causing a severe infection to die. Today, there are 58 organ acquisition tissues in the United States, distributed across states and territories, forming a large network of transportation through the United Organ Distribution Network (UNOS).365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 58 non-profit non-government organ acquisition organizations throughout the year, constantly discovering and delivering the gift of life. At this time, the hospital reported that the ICU nurse replaced the painkillers for tap water infusion, which was medical corruption or intentional to hide the black trade of human organs.

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