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飆車兔兔 (Bunny Myers)
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飆車兔兔 (Bunny Myers)

"O light the candle, John.

The daylight has almost gone.

The birds have sung their last.

The bells call all to mass.

Sit here by my side

For the night is very long.

There's something I must tell

Before I pass along.


I give you now my books

And all their mysteries.

Now take the hourglass

And turn it on its head.

For when the sands are still

'Tis then you'll find me dead."

靈感源自一首我非常喜歡的歌 - Loreena McKennitt 的 ❬ Skellig ❭﹔還有一本給我印象很深的童書 - David Almond 的 《Skellig》。


不知不覺把歌與書融合了,漸漸對Skellig ( 斯凱利格 ) 的聯想彷彿是墮落人間的邋遢鳥人,又彷彿是飽經千年歲月風霜的蒼老天使。


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