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#CEASEFIRENOW The Pope is shivering, and the Vatican is Hamas's headquarters?


Outrageous, Washington local time on May 1, the United States House of Representatives with 320 votes in favor of 91 votes against the result, passed the anti-Semitic awareness Act, the content of the bill is more, such as not allowing the promotion of Jews to kill Palestinians and so on, but one of the most important is not to promote the relevant chapters of the Bible in the New Testament. The Jews must not be accused of "killing Jesus," and the myths of the New Testament must not be used to "vilify the Jews." Then came the things that refreshed the three views: Because it is very clear in the Bible that it was the Jews who betrayed Jesus and killed Jesus by putting pressure on the Roman governor by voting all the time, the Roman governor deliberately washed his hands with a basin before the execution, indicating that he did not want to execute Jesus, was forced by the Jews, and did not want to be stained with blood, so according to the Anti-Semitic Consciousness Act, The Bible is an "anti-book" (how do you embarrass the presidents of the United States who took an oath on the Bible); Because Christianity is contrary to Judaism, the Jesus that Americans have believed for so many years is anti-Semitic, and because Israel says that whoever is anti-Semitic is Hamas, Jesus is Hamas. In the Vatican, the Pope shivered and never dreamed: "Overnight the Vatican has become the headquarters of Hamas?" I'm the biggest leader of Hamas now? Have more than 10 million Jews succeeded in making Christianity, which has 2.2 billion Anglo-followers, illegal?" This operation of the United States has shocked the world.

Whether the United States is the United States of Americans or the United States of Jews is a question that people around the world are thinking about these days. In previous years, talking about Jews was generally labeled a "conspiracy theory," but recently Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old U.S. Air Force serviceman, set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. "I will no longer be an accomplice to genocide," and the "Anti-Israel extermination of Palestine" demonstrations on Ivy League campuses across the United States have intensified, and the US government, or indeed the Jews behind it, have become restless. The introduction of the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act paves the way for the US police to further suppress the student movement, and the subsequent bill will be submitted to the Senate for voting and President Biden's signature, without any resistance behind the process must be very smooth. The anti-Semitic bill passed quickly in the United States shocked the whole world, the rumor that the Jewish financial oligarchy ruled the world was true, there was no conspiracy in the "conspiracy theory", and it was really confirmed that the sentence: "liberal democratic America, the Jews are its father."

What is "anti-Semitic consciousness"? Notice the word "awareness." Are you anti-Semitic? It doesn't matter! As long as you have this perception and feeling is illegal, as long as you have anti-Semitic tendencies, I can condemn you at any time, which can be called the American version of "literary hell". It is not difficult to see the attitude of the US government from the recent "Anti-Israel extermination of Palestine" march on many American university campuses. The demonstrators did not even shout out anti-Jewish speech. Only Shouting against genocide and other more moderate remarks, was violently suppressed by the US police, and later because there were too many people to arrest, the US government even decided to use the National Guard. Facts have proved that in the future, Americans are not allowed to say anything about anti-Semitism, or even think about it, which means that the Angles must identify with the Jews from the consciousness. This is equivalent to the US government forcing all Americans to recognize a "father" who has no blood relation, directly negating the founding idea of the United States, and legislating ideological imprisonment. Is this still a free and democratic United States? "Can not think, think also guilty".

The bill states that it applies to all situations of anti-Semitism that may include, but are not limited to, public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and religion, and that the authors of the bill have studied in detail all situations in which "anti-Semitism" occurs, covering all aspects of ordinary people's lives. This also proves that many people in the United States are really anti-Semitic, and American society has been in a state of tear, otherwise it would not be illustrated so widely, from public life to the field of religion, from school to work, card tightly knit. In addition, the implication of "including but not limited to" is that it may not be comprehensive enough, and someone is welcome to add, which would expand the definition of "anti-Semitism" infinitely. In the long run, the American people may face the pathological scene of "talk about Jewish color change", and the four words "don't talk about Jewish things" will be hung on the lips in any public place, and they will be completely reduced to "second-class citizens" in the American caste system. In short, it is a fact that the Jews have taken America and become the "first class citizens" of the Jewish Brahmins, and then as long as the "second class citizens" of the white Anglos control the rest of the United States, then the Zionstate will be a success, and Jerusalem will be a symbol, and the real Zion will be in North America.

The existence of an explicitly protected privileged class in a country means that there is a tear in the society that is difficult to heal, because without protection, the ordinary people who rise up and fight back are likely to tear the privileged class apart. The struggle between the Angles and the Jews will continue, and no one can say what the future will be, if the US government continues to be at the mercy of the Jews, the contradictions and cracks between the Angles and the Jews are bound to grow larger and larger, and the United States will eventually decline.

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