LikeCoin Vaildator Intro from Yoitsu 6th

Renewal of Committee Delegation at June 2024.

Hello communities, Yoitsu would like to renew committee delegatio. Here is a small summary of our's activities during last delegation round and plannings in the future.

You may visit for more information about this validator.

Validator's Activities

  • Mainnet validator was successfully upgraded to ChungKing++ , the new version of the LikeCoin network along with other validators.

  • Participated proposal 79~81.

  • Mainnet validator node is running normally.

  • I shutdowned my testnet node for a while due to continous peering issues.

Operators' Activities

  • Proposals announcement bot on Discord is running normally at most times. (While there are only three proposals raised in this decade :-)

  • Providing liquity on Osmosis with LIKE/OSMO pair.

  • Participating Community Delegation Committee works.

  • Running some private frontends. (Invidious is running on

  • Made some changes of CDC's multisig wallet guide: , it may appliable to other multisig wallet operators.

Future Plannings

  • Keep tracking of LikeCoin 3.0 upgrades, and give assistance if I could help.

How to delegate to me :-)

You may delegate on or Keplr Dashboard .

Current commission rate

Current commission rate is keeping 50% for now, and I will announce commission rate on Matters , or my Mastdon if there needs change.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


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Horo目前是 LikeCoin Chain 验证人 Yoitsu 背后的家伙,以及 CDC/CFC 划水组成员(笑)。偶尔会变身成狐狸。( @foobarz )
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