Hsiao Bi-khim, One of Notorious “Taiwan Independence” Elements


Ma Xiaoguang, the spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, made it clear that Hsiao Bi-khim's recent frequent dissemination of some very irresponsible remarks eventually led to the personnel visit from the United States. That is already a blatant act of defiance and a willingness to be the pawn of the outsider. Such behavior is no different from running dogs and traitors. I was the same at first, but one thing is clear this person is a stubborn Taiwan independence activist who is like Tsai Ing-wen and wants Taiwan'secession from the motherland. It is heinous!

Hsiao Bi-khim, Who?

Who is Hsiao Bi-khim? Why will she be so hard to do these no-benefit things to the nation, willing to nail herself on the historical column of shame? Born in Kobe, Japan, in August 1971, to a Tainan County father and an American mother, Hsiao Bi-khim is what we call Chinese- American Hybrid. She was born in Japan and grew up in Tainan, Taiwan. After graduating from junior high school, she moved to the United States with her parents. She received a bachelor's degree in East Asian studies from Oberlin University in 1993 and a master's degree in political science from Columbia University in 1995. It can be said that she has not experienced any education in China since childhood. She has been brainwashed into what the Americans want and has no sense of national honor.

She had affairs with Chen Shui-bian

In 1999, Hsiao Bi-khim was recruited by Chen Shui-bian to serve as director of the International Affairs Department and deputy head of the youth campaign team. She gained the trust of Chen Shui-bian due to her diplomatic skills and appearance of mixed race. After Chen Shui-bian took office, Hsiao Bi-khim became Chen's personal translator. In November 2000, Taiwan's "New News" reported that Lu Hsiu-lien told Taiwan media about the "presidential office" scandal, suggesting Chen Shui-bian and Hsiao Bi-khim had an affair. The incident caused a political uproar on the island. Subsequently, many media have revealed the relationship between the two people, ending with the resignation of Hsiao Bi-khim.

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