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【品牌故事 | 淨。鹽燈

淨 (Clarity) 在中文層面上代表清晰、整淨的意思 ; 而在日文淨 (Kiyo) 則代表潔白、綺麗、簡潔同純潔。

我們品牌寓意糅合中文和日文中的含意並祈望創立一個清晰明確的品牌形象; 簡單將簡潔的高質生活方式傳揚開去。

除了作為一個銷售平台,亦希望發展成一個推廣有質素的生活態度平台, 讓一直受壓於香港的打工仔或大家有一個可自


【Brand Concept | CLARITY SALT LAMP

Clarity in Chinese means clear and clean, while Kiyo in Japanese means white, beautiful, simple and pure.

We want to create a brand image that is clear and unmistakable, and simply spreads the message of a simple and high quality lifestyle.

In addition to being a sales platform, we also hope to develop a platform to promote a quality attitude towards life, so that wage earners or people who have been under pressure in Hong Kong can have a place to express their pressure freely and communicate with each other.

#淨鹽燈 #喜馬拉雅山鹽燈 #香港鹽燈 #鹽燈 #鴿血岩鹽燈 #玫瑰鹽燈 #香港品牌 #香港小店 #香港鹽燈專賣店 #鹽燈批發 #招財神器 #風水擺設 #財運風水 #招財擺設 #開運

#ClaritySaltLamphk #himalayansaltlamp #himalayansaltlamphk #himalayansalt #himalayancrystalsaltlamp #saltlamp #saltlamphk #hkig #himalayan #detox #healthlivingstyle #positivevibes #yoga #exchangegifts #birthdaygifts

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