Laser Marking MachineMarks Serial Number on Battery Casing


A battery refers to a cup, tank, or other container or part of a composite container that contains electrolyte solution and metal electrical appliances to generate electric current. It is a device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy. With the advancement of science and technology, batteries generally refer to small devices that can generate electrical energy, which can provide convenience to people's lives and play a great role in all aspects of modern social life, there are two main ways to process batteries: traditional processing and fiber laser marking machineprocessing.


Traditional processing methods have low durability, high consumption, high cost, and rough quality. At the same time, the profits of manufacturers continue to decline, and they can no longer satisfy consumers' aesthetic and consumption concepts, as a new battery processing method,laser coding machine can reduce manufacturers' losses in production and also meet consumer needs.


Because of the special nature of batteries, which cannot be discarded at will, battery manufacturers attach great importance to each battery. Anti-counterfeiting and marking have become the advantages of laser marking machines. Generally, battery casings are made of metal. The fiber laser printer can mark small battery casings clearly and quickly with its 1064nm infrared laser beam.



Stationary laser marking machines are durable, rust-proof, and chemical-resistant, and can mark batteries with various information such as serial numbers, production dates, shift codes, and even trademarks. At the same time, the text information under laser marking will not be affected by the outside world in a short period of time and become blurred, and fake and inferior batteries can no longer easily imitate and change the laser marked information, as long as the text information under laser marking is not easy to fade, consumers can compare the marking information on the battery to easily identify the authenticity of the battery.


Nowadays, laser marking machines are used in almost all walks of life. Laser marking machines have no consumables, the marks are durable, and they have certain anti-counterfeiting advantages. They are slowly occupying more market shares, at the same time,portable desktop laser marking machineshave developed rapidly and are gradually favored by all walks of life.


Keywords :

Fiberlaser marking machine

Fiberlaser printer

Laser marking equipment

Laser coding printer

Stationary laser marking machine

Portable desktop laser marking machine

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