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趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
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趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
230918 Facebook Post Archive

這幾天正在回覆整理給國外藝廊/策展團隊的參展資訊,才開始把〈數位舍利子〉系列翻譯成英文和上字幕,回看這些生命記錄時,又回到那個當下在場的情緒體感...... 願當事人和有緣共振那些資訊的觀者,藉此喚醒靈魂內核的力量,並適時放下它們往前繼續走完、實現屬於你的生命旅程。


錄像簡述 Brief Video Synopsis

* 短片中的催眠對話節錄[中文] expert of the hypnosis dialogue in this video[Chinese]

💾 [001/108]

「那麼接下來,我們再快轉,去到下一個時空場域 ——」

“There is no relative concept.” “I ‘am’ here’.”
“Then now, let's look forward to go to next spacetime field.”

💾 [002/108]

...... 因為我想來這裡?

“ I want to know why am I here.
... because I want to come here? Because I am interested in the upcoming things here(Earth), so I want to come to here. That's the reason why I want to come to Earth.”
“ Yes.”

💾 [003/108]


“Do you know why are you there?”
“Because I've gone there.”
“Is it one of your home countries in past lives?”

💾 [004/108]


“It had happened in the past.” “Yes.”
“It will happen in the future again.” “Yes.”

💾 [005/108]


“The energy is to call me out for achieving what I desired.”
“Not for somebody but yourself, right?”
“Yes. The energy is to support me to activate my inner strength to breakthrough.”

👁 Virtual Showroom on akaVerse

📧 Contact: ztlartist@gmail.com

Copyright © 趙天琳 ZHAO, TIAN-LIN all rights reserved.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权