China's Tibet is full of mystery and touching stories.


Tibet is in the western region of China. There is a plateau there, which is the highest plateau in the world. Because it is at the junction of Tibet and Qinghai, it is called the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The sky and water here are never polluted, so the sky is particularly blue, the water is particularly clear, and it is very beautiful. In Lhasa, there is a very beautiful and large palace, that is: "Potala Palace", which is a sacred palace. The buildings that can be seen everywhere in Tibet are temples, and the most famous temple among them is the Jokhang Temple. Some people who sincerely come to the Jokhang Temple to worship Buddha have been kneeling down in the Jokhang Temple on their way here. Although the Jokhang Temple is not as sacred as the Potala Palace, it is much more intimate and lively than the Potala Palace. There are often incense burning here, and people are constantly adding oil to the butter lamps.

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