
今次口語入文, 以廣東話寫了一小段介紹斯洛文尼亞的碧湖, 最後附上非直譯的英文版本

📍Bled, Slovenia


傳說中嘅布萊德湖係一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的山谷, 白天吸引大批牧羊人嚟放羊, 夜晚小仙子就會出嚟跳舞。仙子擔心羊群會食曬啲草, 就問牧羊人:「可唔可以喺個欄桿嚟保護一片草地畀我哋跳舞呀?」

點知牧羊人拒絕咗, 繼續畀啲羊周圍食草, 直到冇曬草🥲於是, 仙子們就叫周圍嘅溪流流入山中, 山谷灌滿成湖,剩下湖心嘅一個小島, 成為咗今日嘅碧湖!

(Eng Vers.)

🪄Have you ever heard of the legend that Lake Bled in Slovenia was created by fairies? Once upon a time, as the story goes, Lake Bled was a lush and fecund valley that attracted shepherds by day and fairies by night.The latter love to dance on the lush green meadows, where the sheep was hered. Worried that this beautiful grassland would be destroyed by the sheeps, the fairies asked the shepherds if they could build a fence to protect their dance floor.

Sadly, the shepherds refused and continue to herd their sheeps until the land was no longer the luxuriant soil it used to be. Therefore, the fairies called uponed the nearby streams and brooks to flood the valley and fill it with water, leaving nothing but a tiny island in the middle of the lake where the fairies could continue to dance happily ever after.🪄

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