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我最喜愛的電影 (No. 5 - No. 10)


Remarks: 不專業,非常主觀,興趣狹窄,只有外語片,亦不包括Pixar 的電影,因為我睇每一套都比上一套喊得更加犀利。

P.S. Should be No.6 - No. 10.

No. 10 Dunkirk (2017) Directed by Christoper Nolan

翻睇次數: 3-5 次

原因: 我從來無見過拍戰爭片係全套戲都無一個shot 係正面影到敵軍的,係一個shot 都無。

Nolan 的戲 ( 除咗Tenet) 其實中心思想都係探究人身處係某個特定時空同處境,如果同困境摶鬥的時候,盡量唔好放棄心裡面堅持的愛與信仰。呢套戲唔係講勝利,係講逃避,係講面對擁有極大力量的邪惡勢力的時候,唔好攬炒,點樣拼盡所有的勇氣同意志都要離開做懦夫,點樣係好戇居的情況下都要因為對勝利的希望,而留返自己條命。

Famous line:

Commander Bolton: You can practically see it from here.

Captain Winnant: What?

Commander Bolton: Home.

Blind man: Well done, lads. Well done.

Alex: All we did is survive.

Blind man: That is enough.

No. 9 Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind (2004) Starring Jim Carey, Kate Winslet

翻睇次數: 2 次

原因: 一般來説,愛情片我係會覺得悶同埋劇情匪夷所思的,所以我係絕少睇愛情片的,但係呢套戲我睇咗兩次,而且兩次我都係喊到阿媽都唔認得,所以我冇勇氣再睇第三次。呢度戲嘅劇情比較複雜,所以我冇打算詳細交代,但係中心嘅思想就係記憶係好可貴,雖然逝去愛情所留下的回憶係相當折磨,與及帶來無比的困擾,但係如果曾經深愛某個人,失去這些記憶的痛苦係更加令人傷痛十萬倍的。愛情係非理智的,所以我會選擇帶着傷感都會緊緊抓住這些回憶。

Famous line:

Clementine Kruczynski: Joely?

Clementine Kruczynski: What if you stayed this time?

Joel Barish: I walked out the door. There's no memory left.

Clementine Kruczynski: Come back and make up a good-bye at least. Let's pretend we had one.

Joel Barish: *Coming back at her*

Clementine Kruczynski: Bye Joel.

Joel Barish: I love you.

Clementine Kruczynski: *Whispering* Meet me in Montauk.

(P.S 我記得呢一幕我喊到幾乎尿都瀨出嚟)

No.8 Die Hard with a vengeance (1993) Starring Bruce Willis,Samuel L Jackson

翻睇次數: 8+

原因: 作為 Die Hard 系列的第三集: 唔單止保留動作連場,子彈橫發,橫越紐約車戰的場面,呢集加埋同劇情都相當合理嘅解謎情節,我個人覺得係Die Hard系列裏面最好睇的一套。節奏明快,冇冷場,冇CG ,一句講晒清晰通透!

Famous line:

[about to call Simon with the answer to another riddle]

Zeus: No, wait, wait! It's a trick. It's a trick.

John McClane: What d'you mean?

Zeus: I forgot about the man.

John McClane: What man? Fuck the man! We got ten seconds here!

Zeus: He said, "how many were going to St. Ives," right? The riddle begins, "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives!" The guy and his wives aren't going anywhere.

John McClane: What are they doing?

Zeus: Sitting in the fucking road! Waiting on the moor! How the hell should I know.

No. 7 Seven (1995) Directed by David Fincher. Starting Brad Pitt and Morgen Freeman.

翻睇次數: 15 +

原因: 我的十大裡面宗教元素最重的一部。故事以天主教的七宗人類最大罪作為主軸,講述一個變態殺手如何以自己相信的暴力方法,清洗這個罪孽深重的城市,另一方面兩個警察如何以自己相信的正義追捕殺手。面對深藏於內心的邪惡,明顯地正義是完全失敗的,這部電影沒有教條式的規勸觀眾如何堅持尋找盼望,只是赤裸地告訴我們,有些人選擇以慘勝的方法,即使變為邪惡的一部份,也願意犧牲自己的善良換取及達成自己認同的公義。

Famous line:

William Somerset: I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was virtue.

David Mills: You're no different. You're no better.

William Somerset: I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.

[last lines]

William Somerset: Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

No.6 Heat (1995) Directed by Michael Mann, starring Al Pacino and Robert De Nino

翻睇次數: 25+

原因: 基本上由1995 年開始到依家,所有港產片以此荷里活電影的槍戰片段都離不開它的影響。打劫可以打到咁有型,我實在係五體投地。一套非常典型的警匪片,悍匪同警探背後嘅故事亦交代得相當清澈,他們都由於自己選擇嘅職業而換來適當破碎嘅人生,所以無論最後邊個贏輸,係人同人的關係上面都係失敗到底嘅。雖然片長170分鐘,但我可以肯定係冇冷場冇廁所位。

Famous line:

Vincent Hanna: What are you, a monk?

Neil McCauley: I have a woman.

Vincent Hanna: What do you tell her?

Neil McCauley: I tell her I'm a salesman.

Vincent Hanna: So then, if you spot me coming around that corner... you just gonna walk out on this woman? Not say goodbye?

Neil McCauley: That's the discipline.

Vincent Hanna: That's pretty vacant, you know.

Neil McCauley: Yeah, it is what it is. It's that or we both better go do something else, pal.

Vincent Hanna: I don't know how to do anything else.

Neil McCauley: Neither do I.

Vincent Hanna: I don't much want to either.

Neil McCauley: Neither do I.

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