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ZARAFA Sauvignon Blanc 2008



Drinking too much is not good to your healthy, and you can not drink unless you are adult.

以不到 $4.5 (含稅)在 Trader Joe’s 購入,香氣以瓜類為主但不夠集中,飲用口感微酸、略甜帶有柑橘香。而跟瓶後標籤上頭寫的一致,在稍微冷藏之後來喝很棒,原本微酸的口感變得比較細緻。另外它也推薦和海鮮、義大利麵搭配,所以在農曆新年的時候我就拿他來搭配海鮮牛奶義大利麵,海鮮在微酸、柑橘的襯托下更顯甜美。雖然沒有太多的驚奇,但,是個便宜好入口、拿來佐餐喝的白酒。

I bought this from Trader Joe’s with less than $4.5 (tax included). The major aroma is melon, but not concentrated enough. The palate are a little acid and sweet, with tangerine notes. As the description on the bottle, it tasted great and the acid became smoother while serving chilled. Besides, the description also recommends serving it with seafood and pasta, and I really did, serving it with seafood milky pasta at Lunar New Year’s Eve. The seafood tasted sweeter with the contrasts of acid and tangerine. Although it did not bring me too much surprises, it is still a great bargain for serving with dishes.

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