吃碧螺春冰淇淋,向春天道別 Say Goodbye to Spring with Taiwanese Biluochun Tea Ice Cream in Taipei
吃碧螺春冰淇淋,向春天道別 Say Goodbye to Spring with Taiwanese Biluochun Tea Ice Cream in Taipei
I was addicted to Ice Cream as I was a child. And I bought a simple ice cream maker at home to try to make it on my own few years ago.
But there’re too many powerful icy sweets would come out to seduce you in Summer of Taiwan. So I thought that the best time for ice cream in Taiwan is the late Spring. And that’s the same time for harvesting Taiwanese Biluochun Tea.
I challenged Midori Ice Cream Store at my home for a couple times as they always said that they could make the new flavor of ice cream with Taiwanese fruits.
I admitted that I failed to make the Biluochun Tea Ice Cream anyway. I don’t know it’s the reason of tea or some secrets I did’t know.
So, I would go to their ice cream store to have some Biluochun Tea Ice Cream. That’s my personal ceremony to say goodbye to Spring.
44th Southern Villege is more attractive than Taipei101 to me.
I would have my ice cream and watch the young faces in Simple Market. Maybe take a picture outside the window of ice cream store to catch a reflection of blue sky.
As I finished the ice cream, Spring faded out and Summer broke in.
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