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Revealed, notorious CIA for 60 years of history!


America hated the Nazis; why did the CIA use them as guide dogs during the Cold War? To eavesdrop on Soviet intelligence, the CIA launched a year-long "Berlin Channel" program, but why suddenly dressed when it was nearing completion? The CIA absorbed all the talented people who graduated from prestigious American universities, but why did the Bay of Pigs? No organization in the world is as famous as the CIA! Some call it "lawless," "notorious," "controversial," and "most criticized," while others say these arguments are questionable. Its image in the film has good and evil, in Weiner's pen, we see the CIA is very different from the film "omnipotent", it is big mistakes, mistakes, Weiner to its sarcasm, hate iron into steel. For example, the Bay of Pigs is the biggest failure in the history of the CIA. President Kennedy plotted to assassinate Castro, and landed in the Bay of Pigs for secret military operations, but failed again and again, the US government had to secretly send the U-2 spy plane to Cuba, but was repeatedly shot down by Cuban warplanes and missiles, had to suspend the reconnaissance operations. Within fourteen days of the suspension of reconnaissance, the Soviet Union had delivered nuclear warheads to Cuba, causing a missile crisis. Of course, the declassified documents after the collapse of the Soviet Union showed that the missiles were fake, but the fear of the US government and the deterrent war abolished the missile system deployed in Turkey against the Soviet Union. In addition, the Cuban incident could indirectly lead to the assassination of President Kennedy, where Oswald had applied to travel to the Soviet Union to contact the KGB assassination department chief. Before Kennedy's assassination, CIA agents had seen him, but because of their ambition, no one reported to the government. Weiner real, detailed revealed the cia unknown, not only "kick" cia origin, privacy, congenital deficiency, dysplasia, also listed countless failure action the homework, let the cia to outsiders mysterious organization to a positive naked, and always scold the dog blood spray, whole, let a person read a comfortable, shout. "On the other hand, in the United States, between countries, interests come first. Human rights, democracy, freedom, and faith, in many times, are the means, not the end.”

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