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立場 x Oursky 節點

有關立場 x Oursky節點的基本介紹

立場 x Oursky 為Likechain 第一批節點。

有關立埸新聞的簡介,請看[立場新聞 Stand News](https://thestandnews.com/about_us)。有關Oursky 的請看[Oursky - Build Great Software Products](https://www.oursky.com/about/)。Oursky 為立場新聞的主要技術提供者。

我們認同一個開放的㡳層網絡有利於新聞肉容的傳播 ,而合理的激勵機制,更能鼓勵人們長期參與。因而參加了Likechain 成為驗證人。在驗證過程中的收益,全數用放thestandnews.com 的開發人員資薪上。意味大家委托這個節點就是實際在支持立場新聞的工作。

密匙持有人為@rickmak. Rick 是Oursky 的始創人之人。


立場 x Oursky join Likechain as the first batch of validation node since genesis.

One can refer to [立場新聞 Stand News](https://thestandnews.com/about_us) for intro of standnews. For Oursky intro, please refer to here: [Oursky - Build Great Software Products](https://www.oursky.com/about/) .Oursky is the primary the technical service provider for standnews.

We agree a open infrastructure for content provider benefit the journalism and communication. Incentive mechanism plays a important role for long term participation. Therefor we join as a validator. All the reward and commission will be used for paying the developer salary of maintaining thestandnews.com. It means your delegation is a support to Stand News.

Key holder and primary representative is @rickmak. @rickmak is the founder of Oursky.

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