Mindfulness and Learning: How One Benefits the Other

Richard main

Ever wondered why some people can learn better than others? Some of us can easily retain large chunks of information in our brains for long periods. And then there are some who struggle to understand and learn information as efficiently as the others.

While it is true that not all of us possess the same cognitive abilities, many other factors impact our learning process too. It is our social and emotional well-being! It is no secret that a student’s emotional well-being, beyond their physical health, directly influences their academic performance. 

In this blog, we will explore how the psychological and social factors significantly impact the learning process and how mindfulness is no less than a treasure for engaging students in contemplative learning and setting them up for an excellent academic life.

Learning is much more than an intellectual process.

Most of us think that what goes inside our brains is the only important factor that impacts learning. While cognitive abilities are essential, it is what goes in our minds and our environment which decides how efficiently our brain process the information.

Imagine a situation where a student does not feel safe in the classroom. It could be due to any reason. He might be a victim of bullying or might get mocked by peers for asking questions. In such an environment, the student would not be able to focus and learn in the class, let alone gather the courage to ask questions and engage in the lessons.

Moreover, learning is more of a social process than an isolated one. When students engage in healthy discussions with the teacher and among themselves, a lot of information flows that helps in the learning process. Thus, creating a positive classroom environment where students interact freely with each other is essential.

Hence, It would not be wrong to say that children's social and emotional well-being directly impacts their learning and academic performance. 

How Mindfulness Benefits Learning

Mindfulness and learning play an important role in helping our children thrive academically. Practicing mindfulness- being able to focus on the present moment without judging your feelings- improves our cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Here are some ways how mindfulness positively impacts the academic performance of children.

Mindfulness improves learning and memory.

There is a lot of scientific research showing how mindfulness improves learning and memory in children. The Hippocampus, a region of our brain linked with learning and memory, has shown a considerable boost in volume when we daily practice mindfulness. This density increase is associated with many benefits like:

  • Improved working memory
  • Enhanced long-term memory
  • Better problem-solving and decision making
  • Improved language comprehension
  • Boosts retention of information

Thus, teaching mindfulness to children can significantly increase their cognitive abilities leading to better academic performance.

Mindfulness trains our brains for difficult times.

Just like our bodies, our brain needs strength training too. We teach children to exercise daily and follow healthy diets to prepare their bodies for physically challenging situations. But rarely do we focus on training their minds for emotionally challenging situations. Mindfulness helps our children become emotionally strong and resilient. They can better deal with their emotions and are less likely to get overwhelmed and stressed. 

Mindfulness fosters a positive learning environment.

The dynamics of our environment directly impact the learning process. Mindfulness can help boost the learning process by creating positive learning environments in the classroom. Through daily practices, students and educators become more emotionally aware and cultivate positive values of compassion and kindness among themselves. It not only allows healthy interaction among peers but promotes a safe environment for learning and discussion.

Mindfulness establishes healthy neural pathways in our brains.

Have you ever noticed how we always react in a certain way when we face stressful situations? These are due to the patterns and pathways that form in our brains. But thanks to neuroplasticity, we are not wired to act in the same ways. Mindfulness practices help in creating new neural connections. These connections can be strengthened through daily mindfulness practice, making it easier to pay attention and deal with stress.

On a related note, you should check out Inner Explorer’s Mindfulness program for children and educators. It is a unique platform designed to help the school community implement daily mindfulness into their lives.


Social and emotional health plays a crucial role in children's academic performance and affects their learning process. Daily mindfulness practice in the classroom creates a positive learning environment. Such an environment makes learning enriching and valuable. Moreover, it also helps in the holistic development of children.

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