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Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿
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Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿
Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach and Christian Petzold

原來普世認知優美的巴赫G大調/G小調小步舞曲(Anh. 114 & 115),在20世紀已被確認是德國作曲家Christian Petzold(1677–1733)的作品。這兩首小步舞曲,應該說,其實是同一首小步舞曲的兩段(Menuet I / Menuet II),出自Petzold的鍵盤組曲,結構為返始的A段-B段-A段。
The Minuets in G Major and G Minor (Anh. 114 & 115), universally attributed to Bach, were actually confirmed in the 20th century to be the work of German composer Christian Petzold (1677–1733). These two minuets are, in fact, two parts of the same piece (Menuet I / Menuet II) from Petzold's Suite in G Major, structured in an A-B-A da capo form.

Marie Nishiyama plays Menuet by Christian Petzold

This beautiful mistake, originating from Anna Magdalena's notebook, might have been due to Bach using works by other composers to educate his students rather than his own compositions. Although many scores and publications have since been corrected, it seems that many places still lag behind in this knowledge. Petzold, the original composer, might feel quite disheartened by this persistent misattribution.

Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach (wiki)

Christian Pezold: Suite in G major (IMSLP)

劉明睿博士, 台灣古典吉他家、作曲家、教育家 FB: mingjuiliuguitarist
Dr. Ming-Jui Liu, Taiwanese classical guitarist, composer, and educator

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