【Notion】使用教育版信箱卻找不到升級 Education plan的選項?

原先使用一般gmail帳號申請Notion的免費版專案,使用正常,但某天突然顯示workspace的block limit已達到1000的上限。這個限制使得我無法再新增任何內容,也促使我爬文學習教育版的申請。




原先使用一般gmail帳號申請Notion的免費版專案,使用正常,但某天突然顯示workspace的block limit已達到1000的上限。這個限制使得我無法再新增任何內容,也促使我爬文學習教育版的申請。


  1. 釐清你目前使用的版本,若是付費版請先進入Setting&members > plans 選擇 downgrade,若是免費版可以直接繼續操作。

  2. 進入 Setting&members > My account > change email 將原先註冊使用的一般信箱帳號置換成後綴edu的學校信箱。

  3. 一般來說第二步成功之後,右下角就會自動出現訊息提醒 Get the Education Plan 的選項了。

  4. 如未顯示第3步驟的選項,請再次進入 Setting&members 檢查你的 workspace 是否有除了自己以外的其他 members?建議可以改成和對方分享個別page的資訊,邀請對方成為該頁面的guest。處理完畢後刪除除了「自己以外」的 workspace members。

  5. 確認頁面side bar左下角是否出現訊息提醒 Get the Education Plan 的選項。

Notion 客服指導詳細版|

Hello XXX,

Thank you for reaching our support team for assistance.

My name is Tom, and I'm stepping in to assist you with your upgrade to the Education plan issue.

If I understood correctly, even though you are eligible for the Education plan with your XXX email address that was provided by your school, you are still unable to find the option to "Upgrade" to Education, thus requiring our assistance, am I right?

In order for the option to "Upgrade" to the Education plan to appear in your account, you are required to be on the Free plan, and also to be the only member in your workspace.

So, to access the Education plan upgrade button, you'll first have to downgrade to the Free plan.

Here's the process:

  1. Navigate to the "Upgrade" tab and downgrade from the Plus Plan to the Free plan.

  2. Once you're on the Free plan, scroll down in the "Upgrade" tab and youshould be able to click on the "Get free Education plan" button!

Then,you will need to remove any additional members from your workspace. Toremove a member, go to "Settings & Members" in the left-handsidebar, then "Members"––then click on the tab to the right of the nameof the Member you'd like to remove, and click "Remove".

Please note:

  • If a Member leaves the workspace (or if you remove a Member from the workspace) all their content and comments will remain under the main "Workspace" section.

  • Removed members will lose access to all pages under the "Private" section ofthe workspace. It's best practice to let them know about moving theirprivate content to a different workspace or account before removingthem!

If you need more information on adding or removing members

check out this guide

Once this process is complete, then the "Upgrade " to the Education buttonwill appear, and you will be able to proceed with the upgrade, so pleasego ahead and try the steps above to achieve your objective.

In case you require further assistance regarding this matter, or if youneed help with anything else, feel free to contact us anytime!


Notion for education


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