The Secrets of the New Generation Potency Enhancers

Men suffering from sexual dysfunction can turn to male enhancement supplements to improve their sex life. These supplements increase libido, correct erectile dysfunction and provide stamina.

Swedish flower pollen

Until recently, flower pollen was relatively unknown to the American public. However, recent prostate health books have spread the word about this amazing botanical and its power to help men regain their potency. Flower pollen is the male cell of flowers, and it contains several sex hormones that are important for sexual function. In addition, it has antioxidant and immune-regulating properties. Moreover, it has also been shown to support liver health and protect the prostate gland.

One study showed that men suffering from prostate problems experienced significant improvement in symptoms of enlarged prostate and urinary tract by taking a supplement containing Swedish flower pollen. The study also found that the pollen extract lowered blood pressure and improved the quality of life in these men. Other studies have found that the pollen extract is effective in reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), including difficulty urinating and nighttime urine flow.

Like other ED medicines, Vidalista, VIdalista 10, and VIdalista 20 have side effects too. However, they usually last for a shorter duration and are mild to moderate.

BARLOWE’S HERBAL ELIXIRS 20:1 SWEDISH FLOWER POLLEN EXTRACT contains both water-soluble and fat-soluble flower pollen fractions that have been standardized to contain a minimum of 1.4% alpha-amino acids. This standardized extract is used clinically throughout Europe and Asia. It also contains a blend of other natural ingredients, such as microcrystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium phosphate, silica, and magnesium stearate.

Muira puama, known as “ptychowood” in Amazonian folk medicine, is a powerful sexual stimulant and enhancer of potency. It is rich in sex hormones such as sitosterol, campesterol, and lupol which stimulate the release of testosterone. It also contains volatile oils which heighten libido and penile hardness. In addition, it acts as a nerve stimulant to heighten sexual desire. In addition, Muira Puama is a natural source of energy.


Maca is a plant native to Central America, where the Incas used it as an aphrodisiac and energy enhancer. Its benefits include increased libido, improved sexual function, and improved menopause symptoms. It is also considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body cope with stress.

Maca root contains several hormone-like compounds that mimic the action of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis in rats and humans. This is how it produces its fertility effects, which have been studied in many animal studies. It also acts on the adrenal glands to give people a feeling of greater energy and vitality. It may even help preserve cognitive function, and it may protect against aging and other types of brain damage.

Studies show that maca improves libido in men and increases fertility in women, though more research is needed to confirm these findings. It also appears to balance the body’s sex hormones and has antidepressant-like properties.

The extract from the roots of the Lepidium meyenii plant is available in capsules and powder form, but it can also be eaten raw or cooked. It is common in Peru to add maca to foods like soups, sweet baked goods, and smoothies. You can find maca at health food stores and online. However, it is important to choose a high-quality product that has been tested for heavy metals.

The National Library of Medicine recommends consuming maca in small amounts, up to 3 grams per day for up to 4 months. It is safe for most people, including children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. However, it is not recommended for women with hormone-sensitive conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Moreover, it is essential to consult with a qualified medical professional before adding any supplement to your diet.


L-arginine, also known as ar-jen-ni-ne, is a naturally occurring amino acid in your body that's used to make protein and help with circulation and energy production. It's often found as a dietary supplement and is promoted online as a natural treatment for conditions like high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction (ED), and peripheral arterial disease. But scientific evidence to support these claims is limited, and most research has produced mixed results.

Arginine is considered a semi-essential amino acid in adults, meaning it's necessary for normal growth but not required for survival under most circumstances. Plasma arginine concentrations are largely regulated by dietary intake, protein turnover and synthesis, and renal excretion of urea. Although your liver can synthesize arginine, most of this is reutilized in the urea cycle and does not contribute significantly to circulating levels.

Dietary sources of arginine include red meat, chicken and fish, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, and legumes. You can also get arginine from nutritional supplements, such as those made by NOW Foods. However, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider before taking arginine supplements. They may interfere with certain medications.

In addition to its erection-boosting properties, l-arginine is believed to improve cardiovascular function by increasing nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator that increases blood flow, and l-arginine appears to increase NO production by lowering asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a major inhibitor of NO synthesis.

Several studies have found that oral arginine supplements (3 g/day, divided into three doses daily for 1 month) can significantly improve the quality of life in men with ED. Those who took the l-arginine had improved erections and lessened symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba (GBE) is the name of an ancient tree whose leaves are rich in powerful antioxidants. It is the only living species in the order Ginkgoales and has been around for over 290 million years, which is why it’s called a “living fossil.”

GBE contains two major groups of active substances: flavonoids (e.g., kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin derivatives) and terpenes (ginkgolides, bilobalide). Flavonoids act as antiplatelet agents to prevent clot formation in the arteries and are also thought to reduce cholesterol levels. Ginkgo’s terpenes promote blood flow to the brain and help improve circulation.

Studies indicate that ginkgo biloba can enhance memory and increase mental alertness, especially in older adults. It also may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the number one cause of blindness in the United States. The plant’s flavonoids may help inhibit the degradation of retinal cells and prevent free radical damage.

It is effective in treating symptoms of stress, including anxiety and mood disturbances, by preventing the accumulation of glucocorticoids in the body. It also appears to have antidepressant activity and inhibits the aggregation of beta-amyloid protein, which can lead to Alzheimer’s progression.

In addition, ginkgo biloba may be able to relieve fibromyalgia pain by decreasing the levels of substance P in the bloodstream. In some cases, ginkgo biloba can also help with migraines and aura by improving the speed of recovery and decreasing the frequency of attacks. It has even been found to decrease the intensity of migraines. Additionally, ginkgo biloba can improve sleep quality without impacting REM sleep, making it an excellent choice for those suffering from insomnia.

Studies show that maca improves libido in men and increases fertility in women, though more research is needed to confirm these findings. It also appears to balance the body’s sex hormones and has antidepressant-like properties.

The extract from the roots of the Lepidium meyenii plant is available in capsules and powder form, but it can also be eaten raw or cooked. It is common in Peru to add maca to foods like soups, sweet baked goods, and smoothies. You can find maca at health food stores and online. However, it is important to choose a high-quality product that has been tested for heavy metals.

The National Library of Medicine recommends consuming maca in small amounts, up to 3 grams per day for up to 4 months. It is safe for most people, including children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. However, it is not recommended for women with hormone-sensitive conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Moreover, it is essential to consult with a qualified medical professional before adding any supplement to your diet.


L-arginine, also known as ar-jen-ni-ne, is a naturally occurring amino acid in your body that's used to make protein and help with circulation and energy production. It's often found as a dietary supplement and is promoted online as a natural treatment for conditions like high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction (ED), and peripheral arterial disease. But scientific evidence to support these claims is limited, and most research has produced mixed results.

Arginine is considered a semi-essential amino acid in adults, meaning it's necessary for normal growth but not required for survival under most circumstances. Plasma arginine concentrations are largely regulated by dietary intake, protein turnover and synthesis, and renal excretion of urea. Although your liver can synthesize arginine, most of this is reutilized in the urea cycle and does not contribute significantly to circulating levels.

Dietary sources of arginine include red meat, chicken and fish, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, and legumes. You can also get arginine from nutritional supplements, such as those made by NOW Foods. However, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider before taking arginine supplements. They may interfere with certain medications.

In addition to its erection-boosting properties, l-arginine is believed to improve cardiovascular function by increasing nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator that increases blood flow, and l-arginine appears to increase NO production by lowering asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a major inhibitor of NO synthesis.

Several studies have found that oral arginine supplements (3 g/day, divided into three doses daily for 1 month) can significantly improve the quality of life in men with ED. Those who took the l-arginine had improved erections and lessened symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba (GBE) is the name of an ancient tree whose leaves are rich in powerful antioxidants. It is the only living species in the order Ginkgoales and has been around for over 290 million years, which is why it’s called a “living fossil.”

GBE contains two major groups of active substances: flavonoids (e.g., kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin derivatives) and terpenes (ginkgolides, bilobalide). Flavonoids act as antiplatelet agents to prevent clot formation in the arteries and are also thought to reduce cholesterol levels. Ginkgo’s terpenes promote blood flow to the brain and help improve circulation.

Studies indicate that ginkgo biloba can enhance memory and increase mental alertness, especially in older adults. It also may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the number one cause of blindness in the United States. The plant’s flavonoids may help inhibit the degradation of retinal cells and prevent free radical damage.

It is effective in treating symptoms of stress, including anxiety and mood disturbances, by preventing the accumulation of glucocorticoids in the body. It also appears to have antidepressant activity and inhibits the aggregation of beta-amyloid protein, which can lead to Alzheimer’s progression.

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