【M直播撐你】Fantasia Kitchen・瘋堂新派料理 | 肺炎疫情下 外賣競爭好大? 3000元消費券有冇用?
M直播今次訪問到Fantasia Kitchen・瘋堂新派料理嘅老闆Jeffrey, 一齊睇下佢覺得 受疫情影響下 外賣生意有咩變化? #m直播與你共渡時艱 #m直播撐你
📍Fantasia Kitchen・瘋堂新派料理 https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tp6pl
地址: 澳門美珊枝街6A號
特色產品: 黑糖雞翼, 黑松露薯條, 蟹肉忌廉磨菇湯, 法國鴨胸配鮮橙沙律, 美國肉眼配黑松露醬
M Plus Live has an interview with the owner of the Fantasia Kitchen - Jeffrey. Let's see how he thinks about the takeaway service of SMEs under the pandemic situation. #mpluswithyou #mplussupportyou
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