Farsight Military Intelligence Briefing November 2022

這一集頗精彩的,但內容有點爭議,想了想還是不要翻譯好了。遙視研究組織 Farsight 根據調查結果做出了四個推論,描述目前地球上人類與外星人的尷尬關係。貼出來 Matters 留個 IPFS 紀錄,有機會再來驗證資訊正確性。


The first assumption is that the extraterrestrials and their spaceships obviously exist, and they have long been operating here on Earth, going back a very, very long time. If you dig hard enough, you can certainly get confirmation of at least this as a real fact. Assuming you can get that fact confirmed, we will identify two general categories of extraterrestrials for our immediate purposes in this briefing.

The first are those who have made agreements in the past with US political leadership to allow them to work in underground facilities on US soil and to conduct experiments on selected citizens.

This indeed was a focus of one of our Farsight projects. In exchange, these extraterrestrials have promised help with understanding some ET technology. To do what they want to do, they require absolute secrecy among the larger public of their existence and their activities. We will call those extraterrestrials the Controlling ETS because they have a direct interest, as I will explain, in controlling the planet and its population as a valuable resource.

The Controlling ETs have a totalitarian political orientation. In terms of an example, one primary location where they can be located is underneath Area 51 at the lowest levels, although there are numerous other underground bases as well. And again, these are topics of various Farsight projects.

At Farsight, we often refer to these Controlling ETs as Reptilians and Orions. The Reptilians are labeled as such because of their genetic structure. Whereas the Orions are typically more humanoid in appearance and are identified in terms of the star systems of their origin. Now, the second group of extraterrestrials, we will call the Free Will extraterrestrials because they have a near fanatical belief in not violating the free will of others.

No major agreements have been signed between human political authorities and the Free Will ETs to our knowledge. The Free Will ETs also have no permanent bases underneath US soil to our knowledge. However, both the Controlling ETs and the Free Will ETs have a large presence in their ships located in this solar system.


Now, the second assumption is that the primary interest of the Controlling ETs is with the human population itself. They have their own reasons for this interest, and things that they have told to American political and military leadership may have no connection at all to the truth. The Controlling ETs will say whatever will work in order to pursue their own interests. They are not interested in the minerals or the plant life on this planet. They seek to control the human population. That is the resource that they value here.


Now the third assumption is the idea of an ISBE. We are all ISBEs. An ISBE is a subject who IS simply for the purpose of BEing. We are all ISBEs, and at Farsight, we no longer use belief laden words like spirit or soul. We are all just ISBEs. It is not possible to kill an ISBE. Our bodies are not us. They are shells that we animate and which eventually drop off. However, it is possible to confuse, capture, trick, and control an ISBE. This is true even with respect to ISBEs who are not in a physical body. The free will ETs are opposed to this, whereas the Controlling ETs spend a great deal of resources in order to capture and control ISBEs. We are talking about slavery, and there is no one single purpose for the use of these slaves. They are used for everything that can be imagined, and lots of stuff that is hard to imagine. Let's be clear about this. We are talking about human trafficking on an extremely large scale.

4.遙視現象存在,軍方知道也公開承認過這件事(相關文件已因 FOIA 訊息自由法案解密),然而大多數人類並不知道如何使用此能力,相反地外星人是非常自然地運用心電感應和遙視這類型的超感官知覺。

Now, the fourth assumption involves remote viewing. The data obtained by Farsight were collected using an advanced form of remote viewing, which is a highly structured mental process of remote perception. Remote viewing is not in dispute within the US military in select realms. The military has used it in the past, and it can be safely assumed that it continues to be used by the military as a method of espionage. The original programs involving remote viewing are now public, but the current remote viewing programs within the military remain secret to the public. Extraterrestrials, both the Controlling ETs and the Free Will ETs utilize telepathy and remote viewing as normal processes of interpersonal communication and, of course, for espionage. Humans are the ones with the limitations in this regard, and there are historical and genetic reasons for this.

結果貼完英文之後還是忍不住簡單翻譯了幾句,有空應該來寫寫 RV 的介紹,畢竟解密的軍方文獻沒見過的人確實佔大多數。以下轉貼這次 Intelligence Briefing 的短片介紹

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