How to stop delaying? Awareness Awakening Notes #1


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On a sunny afternoon, sitting on a chair in my courtyard, the ambient temperature is about 16 degrees, drinking a cup of hot osmanthus tea, and reading my favorite books. . (Cut! Enough.)

In this busy era, as a nine-to-five office worker, I “we”, time is so leisurely, books are used for listening while working, Learning is based on “5mins novice to hero”, and food is fast food. Everyone act like learning Jeet Kune Do pays attention to “fast, ruthless and accurate

But if you really want to absorb some knowledge in the book, you should concentrate on “Only do one thing” at the moment. Later the books will tell you why it is so important to concentrate on one thing. .

I will reflect on the books I read and write them into small notes that are convenient for reading in a few minutes. If you feel strong interest after reading, I strongly recommend that you read the original version again Books, after all, no matter how beautiful the painting is, it is not as immersive as it is. Click here(chinese)

1. Instinct is easier to drive your body than intellect

Starting tomorrow, I will get up at 7 am every day for a run. I have to read at least one hundred pages of books every day. I must start my own business “, I believe these have appeared in our minds. Some thoughts.

But I couldn’t execute it or I will keep delaying it. I clearly told myself that I should go for a run, but my butt was still tightly stuck to the sofa. It was clear that the book was on the table, but I reached out and took out my phone for “Facebook”. At night, I thought about some “Perfect Idea” but go to work as usual in the morning.

Usually we all think that our own willpower is insufficient and the desire to want is not strong enough, but the book tells us that the human brain is innately constructed to make instinct stronger than intellect.

So if you want your body to do things according to your will, especially when doing things that are beneficial to you and challenging, your intellect needs to be more “strength“, Only by allowing you to sense command authority over simple and comfortable things like watching Facebook, movies, and having fun.

A rock stuck in wood on a downhill road

When we want to perform a difficult task, it is like pushing a stone stuck in wood. It is very difficult. It takes a moment of explosive force to push the stone up and run over the wood.

When you cross the wood, the back is like a downhill road. Even if your intellect is not doing anything, your instinct will continue to do it.

So when you don’t want to go to the gym, just try to break out, put on your sports clothes and change into sneakers. At this time, your instinct will naturally go out to the gym.

When you want you to be able to read, just pick up the book and read it for three pages. After you instinctively find it interesting, you will naturally continue reading.

You only need to start, and your body will help you take it on.

2. I wanted to do everything, at the end nothing has been done.

The second section of the book “The Root of Anxiety” is the reason for me to continue reading this book. As I get older, the invisible anxiety has been haunting me.

Although I feel that I am less and less able to concentrate on doing things, I don’t know why, nor can I get out on my own.

5 types of anxiety are described in the book:

  1. Completion anxiety– As a “motivated person“, I will set many goals for myself, say “I will finish reading one book in a week Book”, “exercise for 1 hour a day”, and “it’s best to cook your own food, don’t take out to make rubbish”, “try to update my blog every week”, “e-commerce brand marketing, and I still need to do my 9-5 jobs. too much workload that just can’t be completed at all. When it is not completed, I will feel that I was “not motivated enough“, and adding more task then it becomes a vicious circle.
  2. Positioning Anxiety-Nowadays Youtube has a lot of “Guru”, telling you how much money they make as a Youtuber, as a blogger to achieve financial freedom, and I did it with that respect , But the basic things waste a lot of time. Let alone their achievements, I can’t even start making profits. Looking at a position too high will only make your neck hurt.
  3. Choose anxiety – Write first? reading? or throw the rubbish? We often set too many goals for ourselves, and the time is not enough. When I writing my blog, my head is thinking about my 9-5 job. When I watch YouTube have a video talking about how to become better blogger I will stop and watch it first. A few laps of time passed like this, and then I wondered why the time passed so fast, but I didn’t done anything yet.
  4. Environmental anxiety-I don’t know if you have felt this way before. No one will look for you unless you start making progress. When you start to enter your “Zone”, Postlaju comes, your wife calls you, the phone rang, and it didn’t come all at once, but kept interrupting you in the middle. Every interruption, the chances of slipping your phone will increase.
  5. Difficulty anxiety-Everyone wants to do self-media, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, and learning new skills, because everyone knows these It can allow us to have a better future, but what they have in common is that it is very difficult, and some are not difficult, but continuous. Every few steps there is a difficulty. During the time you accumulate fans, Google thinks your website is active, I think this is probably why so many people know it but still fail, because it is really too difficult.

The root cause of anxiety is that we are too eager for quick success and quick profit, and it is easy to evacuate and want to work hard for two days to get obvious results.

How to relieve anxiety?

  • Stop desire-Don’t let yourself do two things at the same time, do one thing at a time and start small.
  • Facing reality-Don’t compare yourself with someone who has spent a few years in the first few months.
  • First things first-maybe there is no way to do all of them, but at least the most important things are done.
  • Receiving Environment-Do as much as the environment allows you to do, don’t blame yourself for it.
  • Facing to the core– Pursuit is inherently difficult. With this understanding, there is only one way to make a breakthrough.

3. Patience

The writer at the end of the first chapter wants us to be patient. Sometimes we know that we have chosen the right path, but we just can’t stick to it.

Because the road ahead is very dark, no one knows whether they will succeed if they continue to go on, and how many people are only one step away from success but give up.

How many people are still convinced of their choice, walking silently on the dark road, during which time they can allow themselves to sit down and rest.

Know that this road of growth is not a 100-meter race, but more like a marathon. No one can run at full strength from start to finish. The most important thing is that you have to run to the finish line.

Occasionally I also look at the scenery next to the runway. The most precious thing is often the journey rather than the destination

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