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Another usual form of dating is doing blind dates. It happens when two people meet up on a date set up by a third party such as a common friend or coworker who most often thinks that the two are a perfect match for each other. If a close friend asks you to go on a blind date you might consider agreeing to do so. This is usually because you are banking on the fact that your friend, given that he or she knows you well enough, could be right about you and your blind date’s perfectness as a couple.

Whether or not you were given an idea of how he or she is as a person before the actual date, the goal in blind dating is to go out with someone you have not met or spoken to before, someone who might just end up to be your soul mate. No one goes to blind dates in the hope of finding friendship. That is a totally crazy idea. People go on blind dates because continually they don’t want to still be single after 40 and die alone. People go on blind dates because continually they have asked themselves, “How can I find true love?” or have said to themselves at one point or another, “I want a boyfriend” or “I want a girlfriend”. People go on blind dates because the answer to their questions or what might be the end of the long journey they on in finding a soul mate could just be the stranger right in front of them.

Having second doubts agreeing to go on blind dates is pretty normal. First because you’re afraid your date might not like you and secondly because you’re afraid that you might not like your date. Either way, you don’t want to mess up the whole thing up by acting weird after the five seconds of meeting. In most parts, blind dates are just the same as all other kind of dates so if it helps, here are some tips from Loveawake dating site experts on dating men or women that you might want to know:

1) Before the actual date, know as much information about the person before you go. It will come as a great help in times of dead air.

2) Rehearse all the possible conversations you could have with him or her in your mind so you have a lesser chance to be caught off guard. This would also help reducing your nervousness. But don’t overdo it by sounding like your making a speech during your date.

3) Practice how to control your face expression. You don’t want to offend or turn him off in your first date by being too eager or by showing no interest.

4) During your date, avoid talking too much as it is important that both of you are imparting something in your conversations.

5) Be yourself. You have to remember that the stranger you are with could be that person you will be spending the rest of your life with so you might as well be honest as much as you can.

6) Enjoy every moment. Whether or not you go home lucky, at least you wouldn’t regret it. Right?

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