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MetaChain Project Development Projection


MetaChain Project Development Projection

Steady and targeted approach to the crypto community, filling the gap in the VPN industry. It adopts a value-added mining model for a cold start and is driven by user demand for deep iterations, continuously building momentum to solidify MC’s development prospects.

Ingenious Business Model: It employs a free value-added model, with the MetaChain VPN as a core selling point, to attract user registrations, gather a large user base, strengthen penetration among crypto users, create a business model centered around DPN (Decentralized Private Network), foster collaborative development among blockchain projects, and support VPN business with crypto community ecosystem services. This forms a seamless user journey, leveraging initial traffic without charge. The integration of mining into the design introduces new scenarios to old technology, uniting decentralized VPN (DPN). This transforms MetaChain into a smart security gateway between Web2 and Web3, successfully achieving a “VPN user influx, MC monetization” business model.

Filling the Gap in the VPN Industry: Currently, most VPNs on the market are centralized, which poses risks such as service providers disappearing, stealing server information, and server attacks by hackers. In contrast, decentralized VPNs (DPNs) offer more routes and better protect user IP addresses. They are not subject to government regulation. The VPNs on the market do not align with the usage habits of crypto users, making it difficult to establish a coherent user experience. Crypto professionals and enthusiasts lack a stable and dedicated VPN for the crypto community. There is a pressing need for a crypto-specific decentralized virtual network.

Shared Bandwidth for Mutual Benefit: Based on a massive user base of MetaChain VPN, a hybrid P2P distributed bandwidth-sharing network is established. The contribution of each participant is reflected based on the computational power of their nodes. Users contribute computational power through mining by connecting, and in return, they are rewarded with MC tokens. This system is built on a foundation of incentives and technical support. Each node accumulates its computational power through the use and promotion of on-chain hybrid network device applications. This design not only reduces energy consumption and hardware waste to almost zero but also incentivizes every node to participate in numerous valuable on-chain applications, creating a win-win situation.

Secondary Rocket Empowerment: MetaChain VPN has established a solid foundation in the networking field, attracting a large number of users with remote network access needs. In addition to its role in absorbing early-stage MetaChain traffic, MetaChain VPN also acts as a secondary rocket booster during the DPN launch and MC token listing phases. When providers have surplus bandwidth that cannot be consumed, this excess bandwidth is bundled and offered to MetaChain VPN users to consume, ensuring the providers’ earnings. At the same time, it provides VPN users with a wider selection of high-quality routes. MetaChain continues to iterate on the correct path of relying on providers for strong monetization, allowing users to earn money and enjoy a smooth network experience. This strategy reinforces future development expectations.

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