給自己的Python小筆記 - 如何自動刪除檔案和資料夾? - 各種方法教學

1. 總表 - 刪除檔案與資料夾的方法比較

2. os.remove() 方法
- 指定的檔案非檔案(像是資料夾)或根本不存在
- 沒有權限刪除檔案
舉例: 刪除sample資料夾中的sample_file.txt,並使用try-except來捕捉刪除時遇到的錯誤
import os path = 'sample/' file = 'sample/sample_file.txt' print('Sample Folder:', os.listdir(path)) try: os.remove(file) except OSError as e: print('Delete Problem: ', e) else: print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'python_file.py', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt', 'test_folder'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'python_file.py', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt', 'test_folder']
3. os.unlink() 方法
- 說明: 用以刪除指定路徑的檔案
- 舉例: 刪除sample資料夾中的python_file.py
import os path = 'sample/' print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) os.unlink('sample/python_file.py') print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'python_file.py', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt', 'test_folder'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt', 'test_folder']
4. rmdir() 方法 - 刪除空的資料夾
- 說明: 刪除資料夾,但資料夾必須為空
- 舉例: 刪除sample資料夾中的test_folder
import os path = 'sample/' folder = 'sample/test_folder' print('Sample Folder:', os.listdir(path)) try: os. rmdir(folder) except OSError as e: print('Delete Problem: ', e) else: print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os. listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt', 'test_folder'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt']
5. Pathlib 模組 - 刪除檔案
- 說明: 用以刪除指定路徑的檔案
- 舉例: 刪除sample資料夾中的sample_file.txt
from pathlib import Path path = 'sample/' file = Path('sample/sample_file1.txt') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) try: file.unlink() print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) except OSError as e: print (f"Delete Problem: {e.strerror}")
Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt']
6. removedirs() - 刪除資料夾
- 說明: 遞迴刪除資料夾,當子資料夾們成功刪除(資料夾必須為空),才會到其父資料夾們嘗試刪除
- 舉例: 我建立兩層資料夾(levell裡面包含level2),level2為空的資料夾,levell為只有装載level2的資料夾,我要將level1整個刪除
import os path = 'sample/' folder = 'sample/level1/level2' print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) try: os.removedirs (folder) except OSError as e: print('Delete Problem:', e) else: print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['level1', 'not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt']
7. glob - 使用匹配模式來刪除檔案
- 說明: 使用匹配的模式搭配remove()來刪除對應規則的檔案
- 舉例: 刪除sample資料夾中所有以sample_為開頭的txt檔案
import os import glob ## 刪除以sample_為開頭的txt檔案 all_text = glob.glob('sample/sample_*.txt') path = 'sample/' print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) for t in all_text: try: os.remove(t) except OSError as e: print('Delete Problem: ', e) print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['not_null', 'sample.txt', 'sample_file_example.txt'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['not_null', 'sample.txt']
8. rmtree() - 直接刪除整個非空的資料夾
舉例: 刪除整個not_null 資料夾
import shutil path = 'sample/' folder = 'sample/not_null' print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path)) try: shutil.rmtree (folder) except OSError as e: print('Delete Problem: ', e) else: print('Delete File') print('Sample Folder: ', os.listdir(path))
Sample Folder: ['not_null', 'sample.txt'] Delete File Sample Folder: ['sample.txt']
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