Methods and skills of plant cutting propagation

After waiting for a period of time, the seedlings will grow larger and larger. During the growth of seedlings, there will be weeds in the field.

After planting and ploughing the soil covered fields, it will take about two to three days to sow. When sowing, first dig a ditch in the field and plant rape seeds on the slope of the ditch. After the seeds are sown, first pour a layer of water on the bottom of the ditch, and properly cover the seeds with soil where the seeds are sown. The soil covered should not be too deep, about 1.5 ~ 2 cm.

How to promote sprouting of spinach seeds after soaking, spinach seeds should be fished out of the solution, and then washed with clean water. After about 5-6 days of later maintenance, the seedlings of seeds will grow(seedling pots). After waiting for a period of time, the seedlings will grow larger and larger. During the growth of seedlings, there will be weeds in the field. At this time, weeds should be pulled out by hand diligently to try not to damage the seedlings.

Then prepare a clean container, wrap the spinach seeds with a damp cloth, and then put them into it for germination. If the seed quality is good, most of the seeds will germinate in about a week. If you plant them at home, as long as the temperature is stable at 15 ℃, you can survive in the four seasons of the year. The best time is in spring, that is, around the Qingming Festival, when everything sprouts and grows.

Onions are best sown in a warm and dry environment. Therefore, onions in the north are generally best sown from September to October, while the climate in the south is relatively hot. Therefore, sowing can be delayed for one month to make its seeds easier to germinate in the soil, which is conducive to the growth of onions. The autumn sowing of common varieties usually takes about 20 days to produce. Some varieties, such as colorful horses, seem to germinate much slower, and some take 30 to 40 days to produce.

There is no limit to the sowing time of loofah seeds, which can be sown all year round. The best time is in spring, around the Qingming Festival. Summer is in May and June. Autumn planting time can wait until the summer towel gourd harvest is over. In winter, it will be planted in the greenhouse from November(large plastic planters). The planting time can be flexibly changed according to the local climate. There is no limit to the sowing time of loofah seeds.

At this time, sowing is most conducive to growth. Not only the climate is suitable, but also the growth rate is very fast. Xanthium sibiricum is an annual herb, which grows on loose and fertile soil. At this time, the small buds will continue to grow, and the old stems will slowly wither. After cutting them off, they can be put into the pot. Generally speaking, tiller propagation method or burying stem propagation method is used, and seeds can also be used for propagation.

Because there are some barbs on the seed surface of Xanthium sibiricum. When passing by, it will stick to clothes or animal fur if we don't pay attention. When we find it, we will pick it off and throw it aside, so as to achieve its goal of spreading seeds. Because of this characteristic of Xanthium sibiricum seeds, it has a very wide range of seed propagation and can reproduce endlessly. Even human beings are amazed at its ability.

Onion seeds usually germinate at a temperature of 15~20 ℃, while onion seeds need to buy mature seeds in september~october of autumn, remove the seed epidermis, soak them in clean water for 3~4 hours, then take them out and dry them in a cool and ventilated place. In this way, the germination rate of seeds will be improved. After the white spot of the seed is exposed, pierce an eye in the soil with a stick(cannabis pots). Do not go too deep. Plant the seed with the white spot facing up and do not cover the soil.

When planting onion seeds each time, dig a small pit of 3~5cm, sprinkle onion seeds into the pit, fill the pit with soil, and spray an appropriate amount of water on the soil. When weeds grow on the soil, they need to be treated in time to make seeds and seedlings grow better. Where there are white spots, there are long leaves and long roots. The leaves face up and the long roots tie down. During this period, keep the basin soil moist, so that the seedlings will grow out in about 7 days.

Generally speaking, most seeds can germinate and be used after being stored for two years. After cutting, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It should be placed in a place with bright light but ventilation. It will take about a week to grow roots. However, cuttings should meet the characteristics of disease-free and good growth, and weak cuttings should not be used. If there are many leaves on the branches, just keep the top leaves.

Maintenance after transplanting. After planting in pots, water the aloe vera once in time. Just water it thoroughly, and then water it again when it is dry(plant pots canada). When the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the seeds can be soaked for 40-60 minutes. The length of the old branch should be 10-15cm. After cutting, remove the leaves at the bottom. After proper drying, insert it into the soil, pour it with water, and pay attention to moisturizing, so as to wait for rooting.

Although less watering is required in winter, the leaves of evergreen are wide. If there is lack of water, the leaf tips will dry and the leaves will turn yellow. It is recommended to spray the leaves properly with a small nozzle to maintain a certain humidity in the air. That's all for the branching and wintering methods of evergreen. Evergreen also needs to keep warm to survive the winter. Aloe cutting can be carried out in the open, in the greenhouse or in the greenhouse.

There is no fixed season for the flowering of pineapple, which is generally related to the growth time and maintenance. As long as the growth time is more than 8 months (different varieties have different time requirements, from 8 months to several years), and the plants are strong enough (including more than 20 dead old leaves), they can bloom. If the conditions are suitable, the newly planted aloe will grow new roots and survive in about a week. After normal maintenance, it will soon grow up.

When the pineapple flower grows more than 30 leaves naturally, it can blossom on its own under suitable conditions. The flowering period is mainly in late spring and early summer. In order to make the ornamental pineapple blossom as soon as possible, most of them are artificially stimulated. When some festivals are coming, people will artificially stimulate the flowers in order to make people see the colorful ornamental pineapple flowers during the festivals. The cutting of aloe mainly adopts stem cutting and root cutting, but leaf cutting is difficult to succeed.

Open cutting can be propagated in large numbers by using open beds(plant pots ireland). According to different seasons, measures such as plastic covering or shade can be appropriately taken to promote the rooting and adventitious bud generation of aloe branches, so as to improve the survival rate of cutting seedlings. After transplanting the separated root system, it can also make the root of Chlorophytum grow new roots, cut it off for transplanting, and new roots will grow after about twoorthree days.

The most basic requirement for soil is to be loose and have good drainage. As long as the drainage is good, the permeability will also be better. In addition, we should pay attention not to use very sticky soil. Generally speaking, the culture soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil and peat soil, and can also be mixed with some perlite. If it is not too much, it should be less. In addition, in order to meet the needs of growth, a little flower fertilizer can be added as the base fertilizer.

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