Pubu Pubook Pro預購跟進、Lenovo Smart Paper、智慧馬桶NUMI 2.0、Sol Reader眼鏡【E-INK WEEKLY 23年6月#016】
(CC English Subtitles)
若果你想輕鬆了解E-Ink世界的新資訊,記得訂閱我的Youtube頻道,留意定期發布的【E-INK WEEKLY 】!
1. E-Ink新品跟進:Pubu Pubook Pro正式在挖貝平台開放預購,超早鳥價限量990部
2. E-Ink新品:Lenovo Smart Paper──大廠聯想的又一次E-Ink嘗試
3. E-Ink新品:科勒Kohler與元太科技合作推出,貼合E Ink Prism電子紙的智慧馬桶NUMI 2.0
4. E-Ink新品:Sol Reader──讓你沉浸閱讀的E-Ink眼鏡
Selected E-Ink news from the past week are as follows:
1. E-Ink New Products Update: Pubu Pubook Pro is officially open for pre-order on the WaBay platform, and the super early bird price is limited to 990 units.
2. E-Ink New Product: Lenovo Smart Paper──Lenovo’s another E-Ink attempt.
3. E-Ink New Product: Kohler and E Ink jointly launched a smart toilet NUMI 2.0 that fits E Ink Prism electronic paper.
4. E-Ink New Product: Sol Reader──E-Ink glasses that immerse you in reading.
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歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: