New World Players Randomly Getting a Bunch of Gold

New World are Players Randomly Getting a Bunch of Gold for compensition

A bug in the recent New World update coincidentally left some players with a large number of gold coins with no explanation as to who got rich.

Some New World players have reported logging in and finding a sudden influx of in-game currency into their bank, with an almost inexplicable influx of coins. Given some of the recent updates and various changes to the New World economy, this has been a great gift for some gamers and a source of criticism from disgruntled fans of Amazon Games Studios.

Some of these players also seem to be in agreement on their money counts, as several posts on the New World forums state that players either report that they have received coins. A number of community moderators and managers have also responded to these claims, and the developer is reportedly still in the process of finding explanations.

According to online whistleblowers, it seems like the November New World patch compensates some players with 300,000 New World coins at random. Players have reported on these massive donations that have nothing to do with the declaration of war that the patch's compensation plan is intended to address. This has met with criticism, particularly following response from community moderator Pneuma that some gamers believe is a bug that could hurt the game's economy.

Community manager Tosch addressed the sudden appearance of New World Gold on the game's official forums, as well as the official Twitter account. At the time of this writing, it appears that Amazon Game Studios is still researching the problem and will hopefully provide a solution and more details soon. It looks like the compensation that was supposed to be removed with the last patch was screwed up in a way that yielded more coins than expected and shouldn't have been issued to players with that additional currency.

What happens next with Amazon Game Studios is unclear because the players either received inappropriate compensation or they did not receive coins despite originally being promised that they would be withdrawn. At this point in time, a rollback to a more stable version of the game may be underway as the last New Worlds update raised issues beyond simple compensation for declaring war. However, many players are concerned that the progress or the 300,000 coins have been lost because the developers took such drastic measures to correct the error.

New World is now available for PC.

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