我是一名中国学者和人权律师,因为从事人权工作而受到中国政府的绑架、关押和酷刑。 我的很多朋友此时此刻正在中国监狱里遭受虐待,高智晟、许志永、丁家喜、伊力哈木、王怡、耿潇男,这个名单很长很长。揭露新冠真相的陈秋实、方斌、张展等至今仍被关押。
在新疆,中国政府为了消除突厥民族的宗教、文化和身份认同,把上百万人被关进集中营, 实施系统性的酷刑和绝育。我的维吾尔朋友们都告诉我,他们认识的每一个维吾尔人,都至少有一名家人关在集中营里。中共也在残酷压迫内蒙古和西藏文化。
显然, 虽然中国政府有很多人权承诺,但根本没有实现,系统性的人权侵犯都一直存在且极为普遍,甚至在境外绑架外国公民。这样的政权竟在去年再一次被选入人权理事会,腐蚀了这个理事会捍卫人权的角色。我敦促各国携手面对中国对国际人权的威胁。
Madame Bachelet, 我恳请您支持独立的中国NGO和活动人士,帮助受迫害的维吾尔人、藏人、香港人和中国人发声,要求对新疆集中营进行独立调查,不再让人权恶棍逍遥法外。
I am a scholar and human rights lawyer from China. Because of my human rights work, I was targeted by the government, kidnapped, detained and tortured. At this very moment, many of my friends find themselves in jails, mistreated by the authorities for standing up for human rights. Gao Zhisheng, Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, Ilham Tohti, Wang Yi, Geng Xiaonan… the list goes on. Meanwhile, citizen journalists like Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin, and Zhang Zhan are still in police custody today for trying to investigate and report on the COVID pandemic.
In Xinjiang, more than a million Turkic peoples are held in concentration camps, subject to torture and sterilisation, by a government intent on destroying their ethno-religious identity. My Uyghur friends tell me that every Uyghur they know has at least one family members who has been in the camps. The Chinese Communist regime is also brutally repressing Mongolian and Tibetan cultures.
It’s clear to see: no matter the commitments the Chinese government has made to human rights, they are not reality. A whole range of systemic rights violations exists, and has become normalised, and even exported, such as in the disappearance of foreign nationals. When this kind of a government succeeds, once again, at gaining membership in this Council, it risks corroding the Council’s role of defending human rights.
I urge governments to work together to confront China for its domestic rights abuses and the threat it poses to international human rights.
Madame Bachelet, I urge you to stand in solidarity with independent Chinese NGOs and rights defenders; to elevate the voices of victims in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet and elsewhere in the country; and to do all you can to ensure an end to impunity for perpetrators of human rights violations in China, including conducting an independent investigation into the mass detention of Uyghurs.