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潤學筆記|Learning English|Topic: Leadership

Leadership is an essential competency when we take stock of the societal upheaval trigged by the pandemic.

Leadership is an essential competency when we take stock of the societal upheaval triggered by the pandemic.

Put simply, leadership allow us to have the privilege to navigate crisis. Those who are professional leaders are open-minded and informed by diverse sources, trust and empowering of their teams, humble and deferring to expertise, communicating transparently and inspiringly and continuously learning before, during, and after each crisis.

Only certain leadership competencies will help us overcome the blindspots of the atypical, the anomalous, the irregular, or the exceptional on a day-to-day basis.

Good leadership requires sense-making and perspective-taking. When something looks wrong, a qualified leader will ask whether the warning signs could under any circumstances develop into a problem. He will also obtain diverse voices and sources of information so he can see the big picture.

Good leadership have influence within their teams. A qualified leader will cultivate the trust and transparency that are key to inspiring colleagues to action. He will also proactively empower others to respond and change course as needed, meanwhile deploy creativity to imagine a new solution.

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