what is ipc?


IPC (InterPlanetary Consensus) is highly customizablewithout compromising security. One of its key features isthe ability for subnets to have their own block structureand consensus algorithm while inheriting the securityfeatures of the parent subnet. Communication betweensubnets is native, eliminating the need for cross-chainbridges. This greatly reduces the risk of attacks andprovides a protocol foundation for the infinite scalabilityof subnets.
The network driven by IPC will also have the capabilityto dynamically adjust its throughput by generating andclosing temporary subnets as needed. Developers willbe able to fine-tune the network according to theirrequirements,including customizing gas plans, nativetokens,membership rules,and block times of less than 1second. This means that the Sinso V2 edge computingnetwork can allocate appropriate subnets based on thecost and performance requirements ofeach task duringtask scheduling. lt can also reclaim resources after taskcompletion, ensuring an optimized solution forcomputationaltasks.

How Sinso Chose:
Sinso combines the advantages of both solutions and chooses thezkoracle solution. Due to the complexity and development difficultyofTEE, and the fact that it will make us need to increase themandatory conditions for each participant, the TEEscheme will notbe adopted in the short term.Sinso requires the end nodes to verifythe authenticity of the data, which is achieved by generatingverifiable proofs through zero-knowledge proofs. The end nodeobtains the data from CDN subnet or chain through the prophecymachine scheme, generates the authenticity proof, and then sendsthe original data MetaData, the verifiable proof, and the signaturepackage to the computing node.
Given the complexity of zero-knowledge proofs, Sinso also offers aess secure scheme where end nodes can generate simpler fraudproofs, if an end node is found to have committed fraud, it will bepenalised and points will be deducted from the trustworthinessmanagement repository maintained by the DAC, credits are publicand fraud may result in the end node no longer being trusted andparticipating in the activity.

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