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【轉貼】D. Parker /民主党和纳粹党之间的八个相似之处


(Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party)
D. Parker /《美国思想者》/ 2023.05.20
史蒂夫·麦凯恩(Steve McCann)的《民主党模仿纳粹党的八种令人吃惊和不安的方式》只是国家社会主义(纳粹)的冰山一角。
在过去的几十年里,任何一个与左派辩论过的人,都曾在他们试图维持荒谬谎言的过程中遭受过同样虚张声势的辱骂。但法西斯主义和共产主义之间密切的相似性至少在75年前就已经显而易见了:“在某些基本方面 —— 极权主义国家结构、单一政党、领导人、秘密警察、对政治、文化和知识自由的仇恨 —— 法西斯主义和共产主义显然更像彼此,而不像两者之间的任何东西。”
—— 作者:小阿瑟·施莱辛格(Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.),哈佛大学历史学副教授,1948年4月4日星期日《纽约时报杂志》(New York Times Magazine)


1. 民主党人和纳粹痴迷于没收枪支
我们将从法西斯极左派在试图提出荒谬主张时从未提出的一个问题开始:民主党和纳粹都痴迷于没收枪支。你永远不会听到他们试图对支持自由的权利做出这样的指责,因为即使是他们也知道,他们的谎言只能让他们走到这一步。这种明显的共同集体主义特征也摧毁了极左派关于 “党派转换” 的神话,这种神话据说发生在60年代末的某个时候。这是一个没有转换的刺眼项目,所以避免提及它。

2. 民主党人和纳粹都是集体主义者
在根本上有两种政治哲学:个人主义和集体主义。事实上,所有的学术学科都是建立在基本原则的基础上的,这是一条牢不可破的规则,它将政治光谱的两端分开,也戳穿了法西斯极左派最大的谎言。根据哈耶克(F. A. Hayek)的说法,今天的学生经常被教导,在想象的 “政治光谱” 上,社会主义和共产主义是 “中间偏左”,资本主义和法西斯主义是 “中间偏右”。这是一种可怕的误导。社会主义、共产主义和法西斯主义都是同一个集体主义豆荚里的豌豆。哈耶克认为他们都鄙视竞争和个人,他是完全正确的。

【余案:人太容易陷入自己編造的字眼陷阱當中。「左、右」之類的概念使用時必須有明確界定範圍。一旦將牠們視作放之四海而皆準的套話,不管什麽場合什麽領域都硬生生套進去。結果就會發現,自己纔是莫名其妙的「套中人」。本來意義上的「左、右」概念是議會政治特有的,其前提就是雙方都認定統一的憲政價值,都宣誓效忠唯一的憲法。如果雙方分歧超越了這一認定,議會政治就會破裂,直至走向内戰。現在看看周遭對這對概念的濫用已經到了何等荒誕的地步。其始作俑者,如果真是這個「哈耶克(F. A. Hayek)」,其罪又豈止一個該萬死而了得。】

3. 民主党和纳粹的首要理念都是集中控制

 (25). 为了执行这一纲领,我们要求:在国家中建立一个强有力的中央权力机构,由全国及其所有组织的政治中央议会无条件地行使权力。

4. 民主党和纳粹党的集体主义控制哲学都集中体现在 “共同利益” 一词中(德文原文为 Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz)你听过多少次极左的法西斯主义者在试图把严酷的专制统治塞进我们的喉咙时,鹦鹉学舌地说着 “共同利益” 这个词?在这方面,新冠病毒危机尤其令人震惊,《今日美国》(USA Today)的一篇文章就是例证:《新冠病毒的文化战争:在什么情况下,个人自由应该向共同利益让步?》(The COVID culture war: At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?)

5. 民主党和纳粹党的极左法西斯主义者将武力视为实现政治权力的手段
当德国国家社会主义党利用武力时,民主党人用三 K 党开始了这种做法,并在2020年夏天的焚烧、抢劫和谋杀骚乱中完善了这种做法,让每个人都清楚地知道,如果他们不按自己的方式行事,”黑命贵” 的暴力将继续下去。
这一传统在 “自由控制” 先生 —— 康涅狄格州民主党参议员克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)身上得以延续,他威胁说,如果他们不强行让我们接受没收枪支的前期阶段,就会发生 “民众起义”。

6. 民主党和纳粹都是一党制的支持者
同样显而易见的是,极左翼的极权主义者会喜欢把一切都保持在一个政党 —— 他们的政党 —— 的美好和简单。这就是为什么纳粹攻击敌对的共产党集体主义者。就像伊斯兰教的敌对派系一样,他们有相同的意识形态;他们只是想成为掌控局面的人。
《新共和》(New Republic)杂志的一篇文章《宪法是危机》(the Constitution Is the Crisis)就说明了这一点,文中引用了一句可爱的话:“在我们的历史上,我们已经看到了多个一党统治的时期;我们也看到失败的政党枯萎和消亡。共和党为什么不加入他们呢?”

【余案:不要以爲牠們衹是虛言恫嚇。不,這一罪惡企圖正在付諸實踐之中。深層政府跟高科技巨頭以及華爾街大鰐合謀,在選舉機制方面上下其手。目的就是最終達到牠們「獨裁」的宏偉目標。不少善良人深信美國憲法力量無限,因而有可能讓美國擁有强大的自我「糾錯」能力。可惜,正如亞當斯當年坦言的,一紙憲法要能夠起作用,必須靠「a moral and religious People」。這個前提一旦消失,請記住,這倒也並非單靠某個政黨,而是兩黨共業,當然更是全民共業,那麽,美國憲法也就徹底失去了作用。寫在紙上的文字要撕碎毀棄當然「食生菜」咁易啦。「民主」墮落為「官主」彈指一揮間,早已是不爭事實。你依然可去「投票」,這個權力不會遭到剝奪。罪惡畢竟也需要僞裝。然而,「計票」權掌握在誰手上,纔決定選舉的最終結果。這樣的前景,還需要「細思」纔會「極恐」嗎?】

7. 民主党和纳粹都是法西斯主义者
当左派来定义法西斯主义是时候,你总是能把他们分辨出来,因为除了不可避免的循环逻辑,据说可以阻止他们成为法西斯主义者,比如,哦,这么聪明地给自己贴上 “反法西斯(Anti-Fascist, 即 “安提法”)” 的标签,他们会根据一套武断的主观(因此毫无意义)标准来定义这个词。
用现在的说法,这是一种 “公共/私人” 合伙关系,结合了无限制的政府统治和企业寡头统治的最坏方面,后者对政府负责,而不是对客户负责。百威淡啤(Bud Light)的失败就是一个典型的例子。
96年前,当意大利极左最初发展出这种应受谴责的意识形态时,它是以 La Carta del Lavoro(翻译为劳工宪章)为基础的。《纽约时报》(New York Times)热情地写道:
法西斯宣布 “劳工宪章”:墨索里尼(Mussolini)被誉为国家下合作工业和平的先知。在罗马2681岁生日的高潮时刻,“劳动和资本联合” 文件,宣布了权利和义务。
罗马,4月21日。法西斯主义的《劳工宪章》体现了法西斯主义-工团主义(Syndicalist, 辛迪加)国家的基本原则,其主要依据是在国家直接控制下,用劳资双方富有成效的合作来代替阶级斗争的理论。今晚,墨索里尼总理在法西斯大议会的一次特别会议上颁布了这一宪章。
奇怪的是,民主党人从来没有提到他们基本意识形态的这份创始文件。如果你研究他们关于这个主题的任何 “学术” 工作,他们往往会忽略这些事实。

8. 民主党正在努力建立一个极权主义的国家结构和一个像纳粹一样的政党
有了现代监控技术和中央银行数字货币(CBDC)等专制的 “创新”,民主党人可以让纳粹看起来像业余爱好者。这就是为什么每一步都要用文化游击战来反对他们。
本文作者迪·帕克(D. Parker)是工程师、发明家、文字大师,也是历史学生,是一个民权组织的通讯主管,也是保守派网站的长期撰稿人。编译:约瑟
8 Disturbing Similarities between the Democrat and Nazi Parties
By D. Parker
Steve McCann's "Eight Startling and Uncomfortable Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party" was just the tip of the National Socialist iceberg.
The fascist far left have always had to lie to survive. They've always been on the wrong side of history, and the only way they can remain viable is by gaslighting people on a full-time basis. For decades, their biggest lie has been that the supposedly pro-freedom side of the political spectrum, imbued in the precepts of individual liberty and limited government, is somehow connected to totalitarian collectivist regimes that displayed the exact opposite of those values.
Anyone who has debated leftists for the past few decades has been subjected to the same bluff abuse in their trying to maintain that nonsensical lie. But the close similarities between fascism and communism have been obvious for at least 75 years:
"In certain basic respects — a totalitarian state structure, a single party, a leader, a secret police, a hatred of political, cultural and intellectual freedom — fascism and communism are clearly more like each other than they are like anything in between". —Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Associate Professor of History at Harvard, New York Times Magazine, Sunday, April 4, 1948
Even if you set aside the preposterous argument that totalitarians would also be proponents of liberty and limited government, there are still a myriad of parallel characteristics between the Democrat party and the National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party. That's what was so startling about the first eight ways.
Our follow-up along those lines will make the case even more.

1. Democrats and the Nazis were/are obsessed with gun confiscation.
We'll start with the one issue the fascist far left never bring up when they try to make their absurd claims: that the Democrats and the Nazis were obsessed with gun confiscation. You will never hear them try to make this accusation of the pro-freedom right because even they know that their lies can only carry them so far. This obvious common collectivist trait also destroys the far leftist mythology of the "party switch," which supposedly took place sometime in the late '60s. This was one glaring item that didn't switch, so they avoid mentioning it.
Anyone who has been paying attention for the past few years knows that saying that the Democrats are obsessed with gun confiscation is an understatement of massive proportions. Every day, it seems they've come out with a new scheme on the national, state, and local levels to deprive the people of their commonsense civil rights.

2. Democrats and Nazis are collectivists.
There are essentially two political philosophies: individualism and collectivism. The fact is that all academic disciplines are based on foundational principles, and this is an ironclad rule that separates the two sides of the political spectrum and also eviscerates the fascist far left's biggest lie. According to F.A. Hayek, students today are often taught that on the imaginary "political spectrum," socialism and communism are "left of center," and capitalism and fascism are "right of center." This is frightfully misleading. Socialism, communism and fascism are all peas in the same collectivist pod. Hayek held that they all despised both competition and the individual, and he was precisely right.

3. The overarching philosophy of both Democrats and Nazis is centralized control.
The individualists on the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum favor liberty and limited government. The collectivists of the anti-liberty side of the political spectrum favor control and unlimited government. This can easily be seen in the Democrat's obsession with controlling not only basic liberties, but also gas stoves, dishwashers, and air-conditioners.
In the case of the German National Socialist Labor Party, this was set out as point 25 in their 25-point program:

 (25). In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

4. The centralized collectivist control philosophy of the Democrat and Nazi parties is epitomized in the phrase "the Common Good" (Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German).
How many times have you heard the fascists of the far left parrot the phrase "the Common Good" when trying to shove a draconian, authoritarian rule down our throats? The COVID crisis was particularly egregious in this regard, exemplified by this piece in USA Today: "The COVID culture war: At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?"

5. Far-left fascists of the Democrat and Nazi parties see force as means to their political power.
While the German national socialist party exploited force, Democrats started the practice with the KKK and perfected it with the Burning, Looting, and Murder riots during the summer of 2020, making it clear to everyone that if they didn't get their way, the BLM violence would continue.
The tradition continues with Mr. Liberty Control himself, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), threatening a "popular revolt" if they don't get their way in ramming the pre-stages of gun confiscation down our throats.

6. Democrats and Nazis are proponents of single-party systems.
It should also be obvious that the authoritarians of the far left would love to keep everything nice and simple with a single party — theirs. This is why the Nazis attacked the rival collectivists of the communist party. Just like the rival factions of Islam, they had the same ideology; it's just that they wanted to be the people in control.
This was exemplified in a piece from the New Republic, "The Constitution Is the Crisis," with this lovely quotation: "We've seen multiple periods of one-party dominance in our history; we've also seen defeated political parties wither and die. Why shouldn't the Republican Party join them?"

7. Democrats and Nazis are fascistic.
You can always tell when a leftist defines fascism, because aside from the inevitable circular logic that supposedly prevents them from being fascist, such as oh, so cleverly labeling themselves as "anti-fascist," they will define the term based on an arbitrary set of subjective (and thus meaningless) criteria.
The fact is that fascism is based on several references. When it's primarily defined as an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.
In present-day parlance, it's a "Public/Private" partnership, combining the worst aspects of unlimited governmental rule and corporate oligarchy, with the latter answering to the government instead of the customer. The Bud Light debacle is a prime example.
When the Italian far left originally developed this reprehensible ideology 96 years ago, it was based on La Carta del Lavoro, translated as the Charter of Labor. The New York Times enthused:

FASCISTI PROCLAIM 'CHARTER OF LABOR'; Mussolini Is Hailed as Prophet of Cooperative Industrial Peace Under the State. LABOR AND CAPITAL JOINED Document Declaring Rights and Duties Is Presented at Climax of Rome's 2,681st Birthday. 

ROME, April 21. — The Fascist "Charter of Labor," embodying the fundamental principles of the Fascist-Syndicalist State, which is based primarily upon the theory of replacing the class struggle by a fruitful cooperation between capital and labor under direct State control, was promulgated tonight by Premier Mussolini at a special meeting of the Fascist Grand Council.
Strangely enough, Democrats never refer to this founding document of their base ideology. If you study any of their "academic" work on the subject, they tend to ignore these facts.

8. Democrats are striving for a totalitarian state structure and a single party like the Nazis.
Put all of this together, and you'll come to the inescapable conclusion that all of these parallels make the ironclad case that both parties are all too similar.
With with modern surveillance technology and tyrannical "innovations" like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), the Democrats could make the Nazis look like amateurs. This is why they have to be opposed with cultural guerrilla warfare every step of the way.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.

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