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Hemp Nation


Cannabis has over recent times been a growing topic of debate. As it is discussed in various ways for its medical uses, environmental benefits, and sustainable abilities, it is only natural that Hemp 3D printer filament would also come up at some point. While it is not the only alternative 3D printer filament, we covered Makenica for 3D Printing service, here is what you need to know about this 3D printing material for 3D Printing in India.

The history

One material that historically has been a big part of world culture for over 10.000 years is: hemp. It was one of the first plants domesticated by Humans and has been used in day-to-day life for its solid fibers, nourishing seeds, and natural medicinal properties. It was even commonly used as paper and the growth of the plant was encouraged by Kings. However, around the 1950s a decline came about when cannabis was demonized for its euphoric properties. Since then, the full plant has been looked down upon in big parts and the use of the material declined drastically.

Industrial hemp material

In recent years however, the focus has turned back into a positive spin for the versatile material. More and more places are changing legislation, such as in California, and opening for implementing the plant into everyday life. So as Hemp is an environmentally-friendly material, it could be the solution to a lot of environmental problems. The plant reduces water consumption, pesticide use, and much more.

The versatility of the plant can be used for a ton of things, such as biofuel and textiles. This is where 3D printing online comes into play, as a lesser-known usage of this plant is for 3D printer filament. Along with hemp filament being developed it brings a new aspect to the additive manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing process

3D printing Bangalore is improving the manufacturing processes in terms of reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing by reducing waste and speeding up the processes while often using less energy. Still, there is a way to go before a completely closed loop system and environmental-friendly filaments on the market for 3D Printing in Bangalore. Mistakes and bad 3D prints happen from time to time. When using traditional plastics this can build up a lot of unwanted and unneeded waste. A way to counteract this is to 3D print online with biodegradable or recyclable material, such as PLA and Hemp.

Because of hemp's natural abilities it has no need for pesticides, it fertilizes the soil it grows in and can grow more densely than other crops. Already these aspects make hemp a good material to work with as an eco-solution for online 3D Printing India. PLA, which hemp is often combined with, is already biodegradable on its own. This is based on PLA being sourced from materials such as sugar canes and cornstarch. Therefore combining PLA and Hemp in a hybrid material will bring new possibilities to the table of 3D Printing in India.

The process of making hemp filament is fairly simple. Most commonly you will see a material like PLA as a polymer base. The hemp fiber is grounded up into fine particles and mixed into it. This process is done in the same way a lot of other hybrid filaments are made. However, it is often made without added color to keep the positive impact all the way through and has a special texture to add to the print. With this and as hemp is good for the environment, it is no wonder that there is a demand for it.

The debate on how legal the various filaments are, depends on the individual locations. In France the law is set to the filament having less than 0,2% Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. But the general laws are currently changing in various locations around the world.

One place where legislation seems to be moving fast over recent years is the US. In 2014 then President Obama signed the agricultural act of 2014. This, amongst other, allowed for universities and state departments of agriculture to start cultivating industrial hemp for limited purposes, opening for the market to develop. This year alone at least 38 of the states considered legislation related to the hemp industry, covering everything from clarifying laws to establishing new licensing requirements and programs. Out of this at least 5 states have enacted legislation to establish hemp research and industrial pilot programs along with more states.

Main producers

There are already a couple of companies out with their version of the hemp 3D printer filament for affordable 3D Printing services. One of such 3D Printing companies is 3D4MAKER. They have developed their product for the market of biodegradable plastics with the ability to recycle or compost the filament afterwards.

One more among those 3D Printing companies is 3Dfuel. The company has released a series of eco-friendly composite materials. Partnering with c2renew to produce the line, they came up with 4 materials so far. They consist of Wound Up: a coffee filament, Buzzed: a beer filament, Landfillament: a trash filament and Entwined: their hemp filament. All of which is produced using waste materials and Ingeo PLA to provide functional and sustainable 3D prints.

3Dfuel even released an improved version of their hemp filament. In the v2 version they basically reduced the particle size of the hemp material. The finer particles allow for an increase in the percentage used in the filament with the visible bio-fill creating a unique texture. Showing an interest in improving the possibilities.

A newer among the 3D Printing companies, doing so as well and pushing the natural material is Kanèsis. Starting out slowly with a campaign that didn’t take off, they still managed to fund their HempBioPlastic or HBP. The company persisted, launched their website, and have worked to develop solutions for a sustainable world ever since.

 On their site they sell the HBP filament as well as a Weed filament. The main difference between the two, being the THC levels. The Italian company is solely committed to natural materials designed for the manufacturing industry, bringing down the environmental impact and providing all-around benefits.

How to use Hemp 3D printer filament for 3D Printing service?

The general printing properties of most of the hemp 3D printer filament closely resembles PLA filament. However, it might be even easier to print with as it, depending on which producer you buy it from, can print at 10°C lower than PLA. The filament is also odorless, which helps for indoor use in smaller spaces. And it has low warp, making a heated bed unnecessary when printing. Though if you have one an optimal heat setting seems to be around 45°C.

Since hemp 3D printer filament is easy to print and works in the same manner as PLA, it can be used in a variety of ways for 3D Printing services in Chennai. However, due to the ease of use, along with the biodegradable attributes it would be good for daily prototyping. Not to mention other projects of experimenting that wouldn’t have the need for coloring.

Of course, if you are searching for a specific look or texture to your print, it might be worth checking out as well for 3D Printing in Chennai. Although the hemp filament is a hybrid filament at this point, it seldom has the same texture as traditional PLA.

3D Printing gardening tools

Gardening, as a hobby, is very soothing and relaxing. People enjoy being near plants, and it also allows them to use their creativity. Who doesn’t want to sip their afternoon tea surrounded by the surreal beauty of their garden? No matter how big or small your lawn is, what matters the most is that you have plants within your property. Studies have revealed that people having a garden at their house tend to be happier and stress-free than people who don’t spend time near trees.

So, why don’t you invest a little more and use your creativity to make the garden even more beautiful? Well, now you can do that with the help of 3D printing filaments for printing accessories and tools for your lawn.
  • Sprinkler

Did you know that the sprinkler for which you used to spend so much can now be printed cost-effectively? This minor print will save you a lot of money as well as water. While designing the sprinkler system, make sure to put a screw over the hose so that you can water the plants with utmost ease and comfort. The 3D printed version of the sprinkler system is very simple using 3D Printing services Mumbai as it’s just a single piece.

  • Shovel

If you’re someone whose top priority is hygiene, then this is an excellent idea for you. Gardening is a messy activity. In order to create something beautiful, you have to pass through the dirty part first. You can keep doing your favorite activity without getting your hands messy. The 3D printing filament allows you to design and print a shovel as per your liking through 3D Printing Mumbai. You’ll thank us while working with the smaller plants.

  • Wall Pots

The best way to add charm to your boring and dull fence is to decorate it with some wall pots. At once, you can get one wall pot, which will fit just right. Use your creativity and bring the wall pot designed according to your choice. Hang the pots all together or individually. Experts recommend using supports while printing so that the pot gets printed correctly. It’s very pocket friendly as the 3D printing filaments aren’t so expensive and come at a good 3D Printing quote.

  • Office garden

If you have a desk job, then we can already imagine how difficult and tedious it might be. However, you can add something to your dull-looking office to uplift your mood. And there’s nothing better than adding some cool garden accessories. You can connect soda cans in several sizes, shapes, and numbers to create an endless number of sculptures consisting of pencil pots, plants, and very cool decorations.

  • Bird feeder

Are you fond of your little flying friends and love them when they visit you? Well, then you can design a bird feeder for your friends and keep some food for them to binge on. Apart from hearing more chirpings of birds, your garden will also look more charming than usual. Give it whatever shape, size, or color you want; the decision is up to you.

  • Stepped Planter

Gone are the days when you had to settle for ordinary-looking plant pots for your garden. The introduction of 3d printing filaments to 3D Print online now allows you to experiment and print plant pots that suit your taste. Plant pots looking like a staircase will add a whole other level of class and cleanliness to your countertop or lawn. You can print every single bank in different colors or keep the entire structure white. Make sure to print dowels so that the pieces remain together.


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Original link: Hemp Nation One Community

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