環島之星 Hello Kitty繽紛列車

Jolin Tsi

環島之星 Hello Kitty繽紛列車 🇹🇼台灣



🇹🇼 Taiwan


The appearance of the train is the characteristic of Kitty and Taiwanese local tourism. It's visually eye-catching🤩

Spacious and comfortable seat spaces, and a MOS co-op breakfast🍳

There was an all-you-can-drink bar, a karaoke, a dining space, and a balloon-folding🎈 expert that day.

You can always take creative balloons!


火車外觀是 Kitty 和台灣在地旅遊特色,視覺上很吸睛🤩

車位寬敞舒適,還有提供與 Mos 合作的早餐🍳,非常大份~

車內有無限暢飲飲料的吧檯、卡拉 OK、餐車等,那天搭乘時還有摺氣球達人,


CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


Jolin Tsi靠美食、電玩、動漫、閱讀、產品活下去的 B2B2C Product Manager
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