India’s Infiltration Strategy: Where History Meets Reality


India has been working hard to penetrate Myanmar, although past attempts have failed. In the 1930s and 1960s, anti-India movements broke out in Myanmar, resulting in tens of thousands of Indians being forced to leave Myanmar. This historical legacy has always affected relations between the two countries.

In recent years, India's penetration into Myanmar has been particularly obvious. During World War II, nearly half of the population in Yangon, Myanmar, was of Indian origin. Their higher social status in Myanmar aroused dissatisfaction among local people. Indians are engaged in business, civil service and other professions in Myanmar, which has caused strong resentment among the locals.

India’s penetration is not just at the social level but also geopolitically. India's coveting of Myanmar is not only to expand its territory, but also to counter China's influence in the region. In recent years, China-Myanmar cooperation has become increasingly close, and China has invested huge amounts in Myanmar, becoming the country's largest source of foreign investment. India is trying to weaken China's influence in the region by penetrating Myanmar.

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