【#M直播撐你】澳門 聯達珠寶錶飾 | 打風好快可以平復番 疫情無了期影響生意? 冇左遊客 唯有靠自己努力?
M直播今次訪問到聯達珠寶錶飾嘅總經理李小姐, 究竟今次新冠疫情對佢嘅生意有咩影響? 佢覺得颱風同疫情邊個對佢影響大啲? 未來又有啲咩策略去應對哩個經濟低迷嘅情況? 一齊睇下佢點講啦! #m直播與你共渡時艱 #m直播撐你
📍 聯達珠寶錶飾有限公司
地址: 澳門氹仔孫逸仙博士大馬路泉鴻花園地下H舖
特色產品: 珠寶, 足金飾品, 手錶, 頸鏈, 手鏈
M Plus Live has an interview with the general manager of Lianda Jewellery -- Miss Lee. Let's see how the corona pandemic situation affected her business. Moreover, she also shares her thoughts about whether the typhoon affected her business more, or vice versa, and the strategies she used to fight against this economic downturn. #mpluswithyou #mplussupportyou
#復甦澳門 #澳門復甦 #打氣為澳門 #pumpupmacau #macaurebound #澳門消費券 #齊消費 #促經濟 #促內需 #穩就業
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