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Each person has preferences to design their home and the ideal is that no two houses are the same.

The best solution for this confusion is to hire the Best Interior Design Consultant in town but if you want to design on your own then there are some decoration tricks or perhaps good tips you can apply to your home to make it unique and beautiful especially in 2022.

Below, we offer you 15 decoration, organization, and optimization tips that will inspire and help you create the most personalized and comfortable interior to receive guests without ignoring harmony and elegance.

           Less is more in decoration

It is defined as the golden rule in decoration, you must put it into practice at all times, and avoid overloading the rooms with too much furniture or accessories. Try to go towards the lighter and more spacious decoration of environments.

Distribute and place the furniture by avoiding obstacles in the way, as they are very unpleasant for the visual effect.

           Take all the measures

It is one of the most common mistakes when buying “by eye”: what in the store seemed small and appropriate, for our house turns out to be huge and disproportionate.

If you don't want it to happen, then you must write down all the measurements and even make a plan of the room including doors, windows, beams, pillars, etc.

                      Decorate rooms with free space

For this advice, we will indicate what you must avoid and eliminate unnecessary furniture because to enjoy a cozy room with a comfortable environment you need to have free spaces.

                    Small living room decoration style

While decorating small rooms, our advice is that you should choose a personalized and simple decoration. For this you must base yourselves on the decoration styles:

·      contemporary

·      minimalist

·      modern

These styles have simplicity and straight lines as common characteristics and give the feeling of more space, creating a cleaner and more serene visual effect.

                    Center tables

This living room furniture is essential. But it is very important to choose the right size coffee table (neither too big nor too small) because otherwise, the effect can be devastating.

We can also place some other object that serves as a table and that we have even recycled or made ourselves.

                    Custom furniture

Standard living room furniture is always cheaper than custom-made furniture, but on many occasions, ordering some furniture with special measures can be the solution to all our problems and, in the end, be a great investment.

                     Recommended colors

The most appropriate colors prescribed by several experienced interior designer in dubai are palettes in light, pastel, and neutral tones, as it has been shown that they add luminosity and therefore amplitude.

It is advisable to avoid a maximization of dark colors that can cause overwhelming showing in a closed and heavy environment.

                   Ambient lighting

All the different rooms of a house decorated in any style, regardless of the budget assigned to them, need good ambient lighting to be a success.

On the one hand, take advantage of natural light and sift it with the help of curtains, strategically placing light points and using different devices such as lamps, wall lights, recessed spotlights, and indirect lighting, will be essential.

                     Decoration accessories and ornaments

In decorating ideas, ornaments, objects, and accessories are essential. They provide personality and, in many cases, have great sentimental importance but, although all types are valid, we reiterate that we cannot abuse the quantity.

Our advice for decorating small rooms is to use metallic details, along with mirrors and glass. They help to amplify the visual effect and add sophistication and elegance.

                     Television in decoration

Many of us want a very large television, but the television set must be proportional to our living room if we do not want to fail with the environmental decoration and even harm our health.

Due to their thinness, plasmas are ideal and our advice is to hang them on the wall in this way they are integrated as if they were a painting.


All these styles could be implemented in your house and it will show wonderful results in the end. An Interior decoration Company in Dubai may have more ideas and options to choose from and decorate your space intelligently. For upgraded and next-level decoration, get their services.

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