Five Things Cam Girls Don’t Want You to Know!


Your screen shows a horny girl teasing or masturbating alone in a room once or twice a week. You know that she has a life of her own with friends and family playing their respective active roles. You probably follow her other social media like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and so on. But are there things that cam girls don’t want you to know in particular? How big of a secret life does your favorite model have? Hopefully nothing too serious that could affect you but maybe things like other relationships, daily routines, and whatnot. So, without further ado, here are five things cam girls don’t want you to know about.

Her Relationship Status

The main question arises with any special people in her life. This does not apply to live couple sex videos or free couple sex live chats. That’s a given that the partner she’s getting fucked by on your couple sex cam or free gay webcam show is her boyfriend or girlfriend. But talking about the solo girls who masturbate online, believe it or not, 90% of the chance they indeed are in a committed relationship. It’s preferred that the cam girl keeps her relationship a secret because most viewers would not take such news very lightly. The decision to keep the relationship is always mutual to avoid more harassment, shaming, and, well, calling the guy a cuck. “What is a cuck?”, you ask? The textbook definition of a cuck is a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful. The cam girl does not want her loved one to be teased by the entire internet and who can blame her? With that, her fans would like to see a single girl on their screens fulfilling their sexual needs online instead of someone who’s in a relationship. It would kill their egos in a way and ruin the fantasies in their head so, to keep the fans happy, she keeps the significant other a secret. This also helps separate her personal life from her work life which is healthy for everyone.

Her Earning

We all know the average cam girl gets a pretty generous paycheck daily so it is a given that she would keep the amount a secret. How do you think her loyal fans would feel if they’re feeding a rich girl with even more money out of their wallets? This would also prevent the girl to face any potential robberies. The fanbase can get out of hand, we all know this, a stalker could be waiting at her doorstep to attack at any given time. So, it’s best to keep personal information like this a secret. Plus, online subscriptions to her channel isn’t the only way she’s getting paid. Who knows? Maybe she’s got another job, sponsors, and even some secret tips on cam sites. Again, how do you think a man who’s spending money on a girl to take off some clothes feels about the same girl earning more than him? I’m sure he wouldn’t take it lightly.

Prep Time

You probably think all a cam girl does is get up from bed one day, freshen up and go live. That is rarely the case. Since her selling point and product is her body and face, she needs to make both of them look presentable. She needs to get a ton of things done before going online and don’t forget the expenditure she has to go through. Camera setups, microphones, makeup, outfits, and especially lingerie cost a fortune. Even the best dildos on Amazon don’t come cheap. Surely, they search for the best big dildos on sale and other props they use for their live shows. In addition to that, preparation doesn’t only mean clothes, makeup, and setup. One has to be emotionally prepared to be on screen for hours with a happy, joyful, and confident personality since a sad, dull, and boring person would barely get any views. This could be a pretty big task since she’s probably not in the right emotional or mental headspace hence a girl preparing for a cam could probably take over an hour.

Her Feelings for You

Face it, there are no feelings involved whatsoever. To put it bluntly, there is no chance at all for you to stand out amongst her hundreds and thousands of viewers unless you tip her a huge sum of money. She’s probably already in a relationship that fans don’t know about. Sure, if a one-to-one conversation ever happens during her stream, her kind attitude is nothing special and just a necessary persona she has going on for the show. This is the truth that hurts a fair amount of the population about cam sites. The girls are just doing their jobs and have no time or interest in being involved romantically with one of the fans. So, try not to let emotions get in the way of enjoying your experience. However, just because she’s not interested in you in that way, doesn’t mean she doesn’t need you. 

She Needs You

In the end, you are the one paying her bills. You’re probably the only reason she has a career as a cam girl going on. Your presence is what keeps her going and probably what motivates her to provide her fans with more content. Apart from her career, whether or not, the community formed by you and her other fans is important to her. She probably found solace in it, which is gone, would surely take a toll on her.

These are some things you should consider before and during your subscription to a cam girl. Being kinder and if possible, additional tips can go a long way for both you and her. No, this does not mean that you should use this as an excuse to label your relationship with her as anything close to romance. This is a business after all and a fun one after all.

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