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原文連結: https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/january-13-2022?rh_ref=ebaff8bc

3 Ideas From Me

"Are you willing to be uncomfortable for 5 minutes?

Exercising is easier once you've started the workout.
Conversation is easier once you're already talking.
Writing is easier once you're in the middle of it.

But many rewards in life will elude you if you're not willing to be a little uncomfortable at first."

"你是否願意忍受5分鐘的不舒適?" 俗語說,萬事起頭難,那個起頭的幾分鐘往往最讓讓不舒服。 就像推動一輛車子,一開始你需要出很大力,一旦克服敬摩擦,就可以減少力量,當它動起來,慣性就會接手持續下去。 改變或是做事也是這樣,初始的幾分鐘是最煎熬的,就像是要離開躺著舒適的座椅,關掉正在看的影集,起來做正事,你會覺得屁股被黏住,起不來! 就是這樣的感覺!!

下次要改變或是做正事之前,先告訴自己,萬事起頭難,忍過這幾分鐘就好了! Let's Do it!

"The world contains far more information than any single person can learn in their lifetime.
The question is not whether you are ignorant, but what you choose to be ignorant about.
Few topics are worth your precious time. Choose what you pay attention to with great care."



"Sometimes in life, you will make mistakes. And when you think back on those mistakes, you may feel embarrassed. That's a normal feeling. Nobody is perfect and we all make our fair share of mistakes in life.

However, if you do not take responsibility for the mistake and do your best to correct it, then you are committing a second mistake. Do the right thing, even though you may feel embarrassed by your previous actions. Don't compound the error."

​犯錯是學習的路徑之一,前提是你對犯過的錯誤切實檢討並負起責任,否則你肯定會再犯同樣的錯誤。Don't coumpound the error! 別二過,犯過的錯一錯在錯!!!

2 Quotes From Others

I.Poet May Sarton on remaining a beginner:
"It is good for a professional to be reminded that his professionalism is only a husk, that the real person must remain an amateur, a lover of the work."

Source: Plant Dreaming Deep

​"專家"只是外顯的特徵,底層還是個熱愛工作的平凡人。熱愛工作是keyword! 正所謂Passion Drivers Productivity.

​II.Sports writer Andy Benoit on how geniuses work:
“Most geniuses—especially those who lead others—prosper not by deconstructing intricate complexities but by exploiting unrecognized simplicities.”

Source: Sports Illustrated


1 Question For You

How can I make the next 60 seconds as perfect and as present as possible?



(1)讓我思考時間流逝(next 60 seconds),

(2)體會當下狀態(as perfect as present),

(3)跳脫自動駕駛(How can I make.....)。

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