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A.I.G.今天一早公布了08年第四季的鉅額虧損,導致道瓊(倒窮?)指數狂洩了299.64點,正式跌破6800關卡來到6763.29 (如下圖),自1997年來的最低點。A.I.G. 的狀況到底有多糟呢?讓我們來看看…

A.I.G. 第四季共虧損了 $617 億美金,相當於每股虧損 $22.95 美元,去年(2008)一整年共虧損 $993 億美金,相當於每股虧損 $37.84 美金,而 A.I.G. 的股價早就已經比衛生紙還不值錢 ($0.42)。

A.I.G. 接受了多次來自政府的援助,包含 $600 億美元的貸款,$400 億美元買下優先股股份,$500 億美金來吸收不良資產。也因此 A.I.G. 目前有 80% 的股份是掌握在美國政府手上,都已經變成一家國有保險公司了,而現在美國政府正打算提供給 A.I.G. 第四次援助,從 Troubled Asset Relief Program 中拿出約 $300 億美金以避免這個保險巨人倒閉。

以下是引述 NY Times 的新聞內容

The federal government agreed Monday morning to provide an additional $30 billion in taxpayer money to the American International Group and loosen the terms of its huge loan to the insurer, even as the insurance giant reported a$61.7 billion loss, the biggest quarterly loss in history.

The loss of $22.95 a share compared with a fourth-quarter loss in the period a year ago of $5.3 billion or $2.08 a share. For the year, A.I.G. lost $99.3 billion or $37.84 a share, compared with a profit of $6.2 billion or $2.39 a share for 2007.

The government intervention would be the fourth time that the United States has had to step in to help A.I.G., the giant insurer, avert bankruptcy. The government already owns nearly 80 percent of the insurer’s holding company as a result of the earlier interventions, which included a $60 billion loan, a $40 billion purchase of preferred shares and $50 billion to soak up the company’s toxic assets.



如果來看近五個交易日的圖,可以發現前四天差不多打平,結果今天一口氣就打破上下盤整的局面直接往下衝…  XD

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