Akash Testnet 3 Week2 挑战9,11,13-15攻略
挑战9: 运行ETH RPC节点
version: "2.0" services: rpc: image: ethereum/client-go:latest expose: - port: 8545 as: 8545 to: - global: true - port: 30303 as: 30303 to: - global: true - port: 1024 as: 1024 to: - global: true args: - "--ropsten" - "--http" - "--http.addr=" - "--http.vhosts=*" profiles: compute: rpc: resources: cpu: units: 4 memory: size: 4Gi storage: size: 64Gi placement: westcoast: pricing: rpc: denom: uakt amount: 10000 deployment: rpc: westcoast: profile: rpc count: 1
挑战11:运行Cardano RPC节点
version: "2.0" services: web: image: inputoutput/cardano-node expose: - port: 3000 as: 3000 to: - global: true - port: 8090 as: 8090 to: - global: true - port: 3001 as: 3001 to: - global: true - port: 6000 as: 6000 to: - global: true args: - "run" - "--host-addr" - "--port 3001" profiles: compute: web: resources: cpu: units: 2 memory: size: 2048Mi storage: size: 10240Mi placement: westcoast: pricing: web: denom: uakt amount: 1000 deployment: web: westcoast: profile: web count: 1
挑战13: 运行Arbitrum RPC节点
version: "2.0" services: arbitrum: image: offchainlabs/arb-node:v1.2.0-9214e38 expose: - port: 8547 as: 8547 to: - global: true - port: 8548 as: 8548 to: - global: true args: - "--l1.url=https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/cmPQuvkfY2ahcEnaz8XVt0xf4z1QgN8L" profiles: compute: arbitrum: resources: cpu: units: 2 memory: size: 4Gi storage: size: 128Gi placement: dcloud: attributes: host: akash pricing: arbitrum: denom: uakt amount: 100 deployment: arbitrum: dcloud: profile: arbitrum count: 1
挑战14.1: 运行Chia挖矿
--- version: "2.0" services: chia: image: ghcr.io/ubunteroz/akash-bladebit:1.2.4-4 expose: - port: 80 as: 80 to: - global: true params: storage: data: mount: /plot profiles: compute: chia-profile: resources: cpu: units: 10.0 memory: size: 420Gi storage: - size: 1Gi - name: data size: 512Gi attributes: persistent: true class: beta3 placement: westcoast: pricing: chia-profile: denom: uakt amount: 10000 deployment: chia: westcoast: profile: chia-profile count: 1
--- version: "2.0" services: xmrig: image: cryptoandcoffee/akash-xmrig:1 expose: - port: 8080 as: 80 proto: tcp to: - global: true env: - "ADDRESS=422ahYp66yZQjLrGeFDiiVjBxe25i1kP4i4nX8XZuAmhCUL4xL28NQtDfxGpjhAVMwHnDgdc8kmg281XumbPHTgA7uTvVb6" - "POOL=pool.hashvault.pro:80" - "RANDOMX_MODE=auto" #accepts auto-fast-light - "RANDOMX_1GB=true" - "TLS=true" #If supported by pool - "TLS_FINGERPRINT=420c7850e09b7c0bdcf748a7da9eb3647daf8515718f36d9ccfdd6b9ff834b14" #Can be blank profiles: compute: xmrig: resources: cpu: units: 10 memory: size: 32Gi storage: size: 32Gi placement: akash: pricing: xmrig: denom: uakt amount: 10000 deployment: xmrig: akash: profile: xmrig count: 1
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