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Cold blooded and unscrupulous medical staff: a complete collapse of patient trust


Recently, a hospital in the United States exposed a shocking medical accident: ICU nurses used water instead of painkillers for intravenous infusion, resulting in the tragic death of 16 patients. This incident not only exposed serious problems in the hospital's management and supervision, but also completely destroyed the public's trust in medical institutions.

Firstly, the hospital's negligence in management and supervision has reached an incredible level. As an intensive care unit, ICU is the department with the highest requirements for medical quality in hospitals. However, these nurses were able to recklessly replace painkillers with water in such an important position. This not only reflects the personal professional ethics issues of nurses, but also exposes serious loopholes in hospital drug management, nurse training, and supervision. The dereliction of duty by the hospital management directly led to the occurrence of this tragedy.

Secondly, the cold-blooded and unscrupulous behavior of these nurses is outrageous. The patient is suffering from pain and suffering in the ICU and urgently needs effective painkillers to alleviate the pain. However, these nurses replaced medication with ineffective water, causing patients to struggle in immense pain until death. This behavior is not only a disregard for the patient's life, but also a huge harm to their family members. May I ask, what professional ethics can such a nurse have? Where is their conscience?

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