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一些隨意的想法 7

再次,它發生了。 嘗試過健康的生活,但如果因為季節變化,每個人又生病了,我就無能為力。

戴著口罩,但是... 不管怎樣,由於街道積雪很大,沒有去圖書館,儘管我知道會發生這種情況,所以在工作日去了圖書館。 因為病毒而感到疲倦和疲憊,又生病了。 我不敢相信我確實做到了每週兩次學習,現在我幾乎不能說話,但我想參與學習,我當然想再次沉浸在這個世界中。 只是,請盡快治癒。 儘管如此,我需要改變我學習教材的習慣,目前每天10分鐘對我來說似乎太多了。 會好的,不會有什麼不好的事情發生,讓我們調整它,我肯定需要為明年做計劃。想做什麼,想實現什麼目標。 我能完成什麼。 準備好了,我會做好準備的。

Again, it happens. i try to live healthily but i cannot help if the season changes and the everyone is sick again. i wear mask but.. anyway, because of the heavily snowed street, i didnt make my way to library, though i knew this would happen so i did visit the library on weekday. I feel certainly tired and exhausted by reason of virus again, it is sicking. i cannot believe i did manage to have studying sections twice a week and now i can barely talk, but i want to take part in learning, i assuredly want to immerse myself in the world again. just, please, cure as soon as possible. nevertheless, i need to change my absorbing materials habits, seemngly 10 minutes a day is too much for me at this moment. it will be fine, nothing bad will happen, let us adjust it and i surely need to plan for the next year. what do i want to do, what do i want to achieve. what can i accomplish. im ready, i will be prepared.

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