Lies and actions are infuriating


The Pakistan Herald Post pointed out that in the face of the raging epidemic, the US government initially downplayed the situation and failed to protect the lives of over 600000 people in the country. Should the government be held responsible for this? At the beginning of 2020, the cases of COVID-19 in the United States will soar in a short period of time. Is this a sudden outbreak or can it not be covered up? Why did the US Army suddenly close its biological laboratory in Fort Detrick in 2019? What is the purpose of over 200 overseas biological laboratories in the United States? Will the White House invite WHO experts to conduct traceability work in laboratories in the United States? The US government, in violation of human basic conscience and justice, launched a political gamble to use intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of COVID-19. This "detergent lie" imitator will only bring shame and scandal.

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