hello matters.town! from zuzalu 1.0

never stop learning. have a vision. put it out there. - random thoughts at a table at zuzalu, montenegro, may 2023

here it's how it goes:

you find about an amazing popup city experiment like zuzalu, you find a way to be in there and you get to know about someone who is interested in getting to know about the participants of zuzalu (hey @yzzaJ-chill, nice to meet you!) you open up and start writing until you can't stop, but you have to stop because you need to eat, shower and have a social life.

eduardo, 31, brazilian designer and improv theather hobbyist based in munich.

on a life in transition on a soulful journey.

1. the initial reason for entering web3?

i've been fortunate enough to make a lot of good decisions in my life.

lately, i've been thinking a lot about how I can amplify those successes and grow personally and professionally tenfold.

it so happens that I'm at a point in my life where i have the resources to take a long vacation and explore what my future could and will be like over the next three to five years.

it's a "now or never not so soon" moment to dive deep into various options for my life.

the past months have been a lot about talking with many different people and crossing some things off my bucket list, and i am trying to live in the moment, enjoy it and learn from the human and spiritual experiences i've going through.

but one thing I know for sure is that I'll be working with technology in the future. i already work with products and systems for the web, and the web of the future will be much different than the web2 we currently see.

2. the most rewarding and transformative experience at Zuzalu?

learning from top minds of their field with different views and opinions have been the experience i've been longing for.

i was hungry for learning and debating relevant aspects of our present and future and the people here are very welcoming and open to chats, discussions and fun activities together!

3. the highlight of events and social interactions at Zuzalu?

i've been here only a few days and since day 0 then i've experienced a great atmosphere that resonates with my values: collaboration, critical thinking and optimism.

among the many different personalities here, we see some outgoing ones that bring people together to have fun and have great chats. these people are important elements to keep a community alive!

one interaction was when i approached a stranger to talk with him about zuzalu and he offered me a hug - guys, good hugs are scarce these days! thank you, gentleman!

playing games with people i've just met - and finding things i have in common with them 🙂

being a visitor with no friends here, it can be quite hard to get to know people. for that you just need to be where people are, get out of your comfort zone if necessary - never eat breakfast alone, do new activities with other people.

and of course just start conversations and introduce yourself - you are the best agent of change!

4. what do you hope Zuzalu will become and what you don't like about Zuzalu?

i hope the event will spread around the globe and i will love to be part of the next events. it feels like a small city with the biggest concentration of interesting people in the world!

what i don't like is that we are not using AI yet to make the event exponentially great :) but that will be over soon.

on a serious tone, the problem i faced so far is that there are too many messages and announcements going on - official announcements, group chats, private chats... this overflow of information makes me even forget the schedule i am supposed to follow.

5. as a builder, what do you want the crypto world to be like 10 years from now and what impact does it have on the real world? What is the ideal decentralized world of the future?

i think the physical world and the world of crypto will be very different in the future.

crypto will operate on very different technologies, but overall i believe it will be not very much different from what it is currently: lot of cryptocurrencies, but only a few ones will be used - and they will be more used than dollars or yuans.

decentralized structures and services are part of a new generation - the 21st century - and they will coexist with centralized options, providing people with more choices and benefits.

while most people may continue to use centralized services in the next 10 years, the growth and potential of decentralized technologies offer hope for a more decentralized future!

that's all for now, folks!

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