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诉状|滥用举报 (englisch Ver.)

Free is those who are not afraid of losing something or who actually have nothing to lose.

As we all know, the Community Matters has long been described and declared as democratic, free and independent. However, many times past many have nicely noticed that these words simply fell on deaf ears.

You lose everything, just the very least concepts of freedom here, just to show how you supported freedom in such a way. At most it is ironic, when in the meantime someone has to decide for themselves that the members of this community do not share their opinion, or simply force the people they do not like themselves to be subjected to the death penalty.

Yes, maybe that means freedom and democracy in Taiwan, but the reality is different. When this cruel value will always last here, then congratulations to my comrade. This community is only going to become a dark hell, and there are no other results.

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