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🎞 🥃 威士忌 十大 電影 神置入 (2021/8/13最新排名) Top 10 Whiskey placements in Movies

啜飲威士忌暖心解愁,以下倒數影史十大威士忌時刻:Drinking whisky could warm your heart and mind.Here’s a countdown of the ten most memorable whisky moments in movie history:


Drinking whisky could warm your heart and mind.

Here’s a countdown of the ten most memorable whisky moments in movie history:

10.《銀翼殺手》、《銀翼殺手2049》:哈里遜福特跟萊恩葛斯林,新舊兩代未來探員喝的都是 約翰走路 威士忌 藍牌
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky in Blade Runner(1982) & Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Johnnie Walker Blue Lebal in Blade Runner 1982 & 2049

9. 《刺激》:人生路上難免爾虞我詐,但在騙人與被騙之間,何不與勞勃瑞福一起鬆開領結,盡情暢飲 布什米爾愛爾蘭原創威士忌。
Old Bushmills Whiskey Drunk by Robert Redford in “The Sting” (1973)

Bushmills whisky in The Sting 1973

8.《金牌特務:機密對決》:英國紳士們,想與金牌特務美國分部合作,得先喝點 歐佛斯特美國波本威士忌。
Old Forester Statesman Bourbon in Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle (2017)

Old Forester Bourbon in Kingsman II 2017

7. 《末路狂花》:我知道我倆沒有明天,但上路前讓我喝點「野火雞」波本威士忌…
Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey — Thelma & Louise (1991)

Wild Tourkey Bourbon in Thelma & Louise 1991

6. 《女人香》:就算瞎了眼,喝太多「傑克丹尼爾」威士忌,艾爾帕西諾還是能與美女跳探戈,還創造奇蹟解救克利斯歐唐納。
Jack Daniel’s Whiskey (Chris O’Donnell and Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman (1992)

Jack Daniel's whisky in Scent of a Woman 1992

5. 《查克·史奈德之正義聯盟》:2021年才釋出的《查克·史奈德之正義聯盟》全長四小時又兩分鐘,黑暗風格遠勝縮減版《正義聯盟》,保留細節,才讓威士忌迷見識到:
When the world is on the brink of Armageddon and the Justice League is formed, Batman Butler Alfred’s whiskey of choice is:
 Talisker 25 YO single malt whisky ! 
(In Taiwan, the price of a bottle is about 11,000 NT and above)

Talisker 25 YO whisky in Justice League 2021 version

4.《明天過後》:蘇格蘭海德蘭氣象中心裡,堅守崗位,自知無法從急凍天氣逃脫的氣象站人員,用 百富12年雙桶單一麥芽威士忌,最後一次舉杯祝天祐英國、人類、天佑曼聯足球隊。
Balvenie 12 Year in THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (2004)

Balvenie 12 YO in The Day after Tomorrow 2004

3.《007:空降危機》:龐德先生,喝完這杯麥卡倫經典雪莉桶 50 年威士忌,我們比賽開槍射美女頭頂的小酒杯,好嗎?
Javier Bardem and Daniel Craig were drinking Macallan 50 years old whiskey in the movie "Skyfall" (2012)

Macallan 50 YO in 007: Skyfall 2012

For this is the end

I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment

So overdue I owe them

Swept away, I’m stolen

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

Robert Redford had his Glenlivet 12 Years Single Malt Scotch Whisky with Brad Pitt in “Spy Game” (2001)

Glenlivet 12 YO in Spy Game 2001

Suntory Japanese Whisky and Bill Murray in Lost in Translation (2003)

Suntory in Lost in Translation 2003



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