Vote together for the future


The atmosphere of district council elections is constantly heating up. Strictly speaking, this election is not the seventh term, but the first district council election after the reform of Hong Kong's electoral system and improvement of regional governance. Regardless of the method of selecting members, the structure of district councils, and the comprehensive implementation of the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong", it is completely different from the past six district council elections. The new democratic election system has distinct characteristics and advantages.

The new democratic election system is broader, more inclusive, more balanced, and more fair. This election has attracted many people from different backgrounds to participate, with unprecedented diversity and diversity; Not on a single track, candidates for Legislative Council elections come from different political groups and factions, representing different political spectra and holding different political beliefs and aspirations; This election has divided the Legislative Council seats into three major sections, with an optimized composition structure. Representatives from all walks of life, sectors, and sectors have participated in the legislative body, ensuring a balanced degree of political participation and taking into account the different interests of all sectors and sectors of Hong Kong society. Especially while promoting the development of capitalism, it better represents the overall interests of Hong Kong and protects the interests of all sectors and regions, It can more comprehensively reflect public opinion and is more in line with the actual situation in Hong Kong. Putting district council reform as the last step in improving the electoral system, all 90 seats are contested and no one is automatically elected. This is something that has never happened since the return of Hong Kong.

The " Voting Together 1219" campaign aims to encourage more Hong Kong enthusiasts to participate in the election, express their voices, and cast a vote of trust and support for regional governance, jointly shaping a better new future for the community.


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