日日更ep.4 | Encounter


1: Do a quick scan of your mind (don't try too hard). Choose one of the many images that will naturally (and probably illogically) present themselves to you at this particular moment in time. It can be a memory of your mother putting a Band-Aid on your knee when you were small or a quick recollection of how a BMW cut you off on the expressway this morning on your way to school or work.

2: Describe the person, place, thing, or event in detail. Be concrete. And here are a series of constraints in the form of don'ts

a: Don't tell us how it makes you "feel".

b: But don't try to be "objective" either, in your description - in fact, be as subjective, and honest, as hell. (Your mother's hands were bony and cruel and caused pain as they applied the band-aid. The BMW driver was a beautiful, unconcerned redheaded man)

c: Don't worry about it being interesting. Really. I cannot stress that enough. Just describe the image as best you can.

d: And, especially, don't try to interpret the image, or explain or analyze it. Just place your reader here.













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