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隨機小故事 - 迷宮(二)


You say "I need to find my brother. He is a guard for Santa Claus. He has broken through the blockade and is somewhere in this forest."

The elf walks up and looks down at you.

You say "I need to find my brother. He is a guard for Santa Claus. He has broken through the blockade and is somewhere in this forest."

"Well! Well! Well." The elf responds. "The dwarves are a friendly folk of Kringle. We help. I ask my brothers.".

You say "please help me"

The elf turns around and yells to some of her closest family. An elf and a dwarf approach. They look at you with some confusion.

You say " I am searching for my brother. He is a guard for Santa Claus. He broke through the blockade and is somewhere in this forest. The elves have set up a base here, but I have not seen him among them."

The dwarf looks up at the elf.

You say " I am searching for my brother. He is a guard for Santa Claus. He broke through the blockade and is somewhere in this forest. The elves have set up a base here, but I have not seen him among them."

The elf looks at you again.

You say "Help me please"

The elf walks up to you and looks you up and down. She mulls it over.

"I don't know. I promise I will think about it.

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